No connection between Alexa and Phoscon

Hello together,
i moved my Conbee 2 Stick from and Raspberry installation into a Debian VM under Proxmox.
Before I did this, I created a Phoscon Backup. In the new installation i changed the ipadress to the former IPadress on the Raspberry
After this installation i restored the backup within Phoscon. All Lights, Sensors etc. are listed and I can manage this with the Phoscom App.
Also in Iobroker the deconz objects are working well with some blocky scripts.

The only and biggest problem is, that Alex find no lights/sensors …

Any idea ?


Hello, I realy don’t know how it work but if I m right alexa use Iobroker not deconz ? So the problem is more how Alexa detect Iobroker no ?
Alexa detect nothing or just no device ?

Alexa can connect to deconz. But I have no clue on how this works.

Normally Alexa and Phoscon working together without IoBroker. Normally it should work if you go to Gateway - advanced and put the “authenticate app” button. Then you have 60 sec time to go to Alexa and command “search for new devices” But nothing happened. Where is Alexa looking for the gateways ?
I have no clue.
Next step i will try to build back my new configuration and put the conbee stick again into the raspherry. Will if the old config is working

You are not running the headless version and the gui-version at the same time?
Had been my fault for some time… Didn’t know that these two might block the gateway or whatever.
Alexa did’t find any devices because of that. Closed one of the programs and tada all devices where found.