have a setup with 5 temp/hum multisensors which worked without problems for years. Since a few weeks all sensors stop reporting new values at the same day, most of them within the same hour.
What I did so far:
Changed the battery of all sensors.
Updated the Gateway to 2.29.1
Updated the ConBee 2 firmware to 26780700
Added an extra router (Sonoff ZBMINIR2)
deconz is running as a Docker container, when I restart the container the sensors are reporting values again. Removing the battery has no special effect when the container is not restarted before.
The three old sensors are _TZ3000_xr3htd96 / TS0201 / Version 1.0.6.
Hello, battery level ?
On your log we can see a device make a websocket notification at 20:22:40 and your logs finish at 20h29.
Same result in phoscon ?
The log shows value updates untill the timestamp “21:22:35:861”. Then only “lastseen” updates untill the deconz-restart at timestamp “09:37:42:267”. The Phoscon UI showed the “lastupdated” timestamp from the message. “Lastseen” updates did not change the timestamp in the UI.
My initial idea was related to the device or some zibee network error. Finally only the restart of the container makes it work again.
Something you can try is Using Phoscon/help/API Information/event.
It will open a new websocket connexion just for event.
And BTW when the issue happen, over sensors are working ? Because if it’s that I m thinking, it’s all your websocket connexion that need to be not working.
The old deconz version was 2.15.00 and ConBee 2 firmware version 26720700.
Now it is upgraded to deconz version 2.29.1 and firmware 26780700.
That’s a good point, I have a Ikea VALLHORN motion sensor which reports presence (motion) and light level. In my Home Assistant history I can see multiple presence events during the time when the temp/hum sensors did not report values. But the light level values from the motion sensor did also stop when the temp/hum sensors stopped reporting.
In my case it was not related to adding new devices to the network.
And if you restart deconz, third app probably remake the websocket connexion, and all is reworking.
When it’s broked, try to make a new websocket connexion using Phoscon or another app (On my side I have a browser plugin).
You can found the websocket port used by deconz with http://IP:PORT/api/KEY/config
You can set a fixed port using command line too (–ws-port) but as you are on docker, they can do so much magic on config …