Moes smart switch is not recognized by Phoscon and API - _TZ3000_hhiodade


I bought 1gang wall light switch from MOES. The switch is identified by deCONZ as follows:
Manufacturer Name: _TZ3000_hhiodade
Model Identifier : TS0011

The wall light switch is not recognized by Phoscon application and not propagated to Home assistant as well.

Any idea how to setup Phoscon/deConz to propagate this wall light switch?

Thanks Petr


Seems to be unsupported. You need to create a device request on GitHub.

Solved via the following DDF:

“schema”: “devcap1.schema.json”,
“manufacturername”: “_TZ3000_hhiodade”,
“modelid”: “TS0011”,
“product”: “MOES 1gang switch”,
“sleeper”: false,
“status”: “Gold”,
“subdevices”: [
“type”: “$TYPE_ON_OFF_LIGHT”,
“restapi”: “/lights”,
“uuid”: [
“items”: [
“name”: “attr/id”
“name”: “attr/lastannounced”
“name”: “attr/lastseen”
“name”: “attr/manufacturername”
“name”: “attr/modelid”
“name”: “attr/name”
“name”: “attr/swversion”
“name”: “attr/type”
“name”: “attr/uniqueid”
“name”: “state/on”,
“refresh.interval”: 5
“name”: “state/reachable”
“bindings”: [
“bind”: “unicast”,
“src.ep”: 1,
“cl”: “0x0006”,
“report”: [
“at”: “0x0000”,
“dt”: “0x10”,
“min”: 5,
“max”: 1800

@Scoperius would be great to create a device request on GitHub to keep trace and include this DDF in a future PR.

Hello, I used your DDF, but Phoscon still doesnt connect/discover (Device is ok, because Tuya-Hub does :frowning:

Did I forget something?

Thx Mike