Migrate Conbee II to Conbee III on Homeassistant

I am using Conbee II USB stick for a while now in Homeassistant, having configured approx. 90 devices (using several routers/powered devices).
Nor I think about switching to Conbee III.
Is there a description available out there how to migrate?
Is this as simple as just swapping the stick and updating eg. the Device address or is there more to consider?
Do I have to teach-in all devices a second time getting new device names etc.?
Thanks in advance!

When using deCONZ : Create Backup in Phoscon, Swap stick, restore backup.

For ZHA/Z2M: No idea.

Note the ZHA support for ConBee III is pending and from what I can tell should be available in the next release. Conbee III support by puddly · Pull Request #232 · zigpy/zigpy-deconz · GitHub

The release also brings some nice general improvements on stability for older ConBee/RaspBee.