MHCOZY 1 Channel 5V 12V ZigBee Smart Relay Switch

I bought a bunch of these to control actuators on a heating manifold, currently have:
2x 4-channel - shows as _TZ3000_u3oupgdy TS0004
3x 2-channel - shows as eWeLink ZB-SW02

First impressions of them were great. Paired easily, separate channels show up as separate light, respond to group commands, individual commands, etc. The NC/NO terminals were really helpful. And the input voltage they accept is really flexible, so was able to use the 24VAC for thermostats from the wiring centre.

However, after using them 24/7 I’ve noticed they seem to drop off the ZigBee network from time to time. So far, only the 2-channel boards have dropped. One of them twice (weeks apart) and another just once. Physically, they still appear on when in this state and remain in the state they were last in.

I’m assuming something like this will be down to an issue with the board, and not the compatibility with deCONZ. But please correct me if that’s not the case.

I’ll keep them running to get more data on it. I’m hoping the 4-channel ones are fine, so I can just swap to all 4-channel boards. They do appear to have a different chip on them.

They are physically different to the Tuya ones, though the manufacturer and modelid match what’s discussed on another thread on a Tuya relay.