Light is directed as plug

i have bought 2 of the TUYA “_TZE200_e3oitdyu” - Product “TS0601” in the version 1.0.4. This unit is a dimmer-switch.

After connecting to my rasbee II-system I saw in the Phoscon app that the devices are directed into the “plug area” and not “light area”. It is not a big thing as I am working with HomeAssistant but it should be sorted correctly.

Please, let me know.

Hello, this device have his DDF

  "manufacturername": "_TZE200_e3oitdyu",
  "modelid": "TS0601",

What is your deconz version ?

Can you take a loook direclty in the API to see the device type ?
Using Phoscon/help/API information/light

From the DDF this device need to be a “Dimmable plug-in unit”

Strange a “dimmable” stuff is in “plug” section.

Hi, my deconz version is the Beta 2.29.0.
In the API/light is nothing about this dimmer switch.
the 2 x 2 way units are still in the plug section:

this is the first 2 way switch:

"config": {
    "groups": [
"etag": "049c846c1114264876b8462fb24db345",
"hascolor": false,
"lastannounced": null,
"lastseen": "2024-10-29T20:07Z",
"manufacturername": "_TZE200_e3oitdyu",
"modelid": "TS0601",
"name": "Schalter Herd Dimmer Relais",
"state": {
    "bri": 254,
    "on": true,
    "reachable": true
"swversion": "1.0.4",
"type": "Dimmable plug-in unit",
"uniqueid": "84:fd:27:ff:fe:60:94:0b-01"


"config": {
    "groups": [
"etag": "1919bb374e07cd36570cfb910680f091",
"hascolor": false,
"lastannounced": null,
"lastseen": "2024-10-29T20:04Z",
"manufacturername": "_TZE200_e3oitdyu",
"modelid": "TS0601",
"name": "Schalter Küche Dimmer Relais",
"state": {
    "bri": 254,
    "on": false,
    "reachable": true
"swversion": "1.0.4",
"type": "Dimmable plug-in unit",
"uniqueid": "84:fd:27:ff:fe:60:94:0b-02"


this is the second one:

"config": {
    "groups": [
"etag": "a24f47a64808d9c57be41d191abfcc03",
"hascolor": false,
"lastannounced": null,
"lastseen": "2024-10-29T19:54Z",
"manufacturername": "_TZE200_e3oitdyu",
"modelid": "TS0601",
"name": "Schalter Bad mitte Dimmer Relais",
"state": {
    "bri": 184,
    "on": true,
    "reachable": true
"swversion": "1.0.4",
"type": "Dimmable plug-in unit",
"uniqueid": "b4:35:22:ff:fe:57:5e:0f-01"


"config": {
    "groups": [
"etag": "238e6c41031b5fb21eb3672a1bcb8e0a",
"hascolor": false,
"lastannounced": null,
"lastseen": "2024-10-29T19:54Z",
"manufacturername": "_TZE200_e3oitdyu",
"modelid": "TS0601",
"name": "Schalter Bad Rand Dimmer Relais",
"state": {
    "bri": 175,
    "on": true,
    "reachable": true
"swversion": "1.0.4",
"type": "Dimmable plug-in unit",
"uniqueid": "b4:35:22:ff:fe:57:5e:0f-02"


So for me the problem is from Phoscon, you have on your json

"type": "Dimmable plug-in unit",

For me this is not a plug.


Yes it is a Phoscon problem. I can fix it in one of the next version.

What is a “plug-in unit” ? In Phoscon app “plug-in units” are generally handled as plugs.

Hi, I can‘t saw why this is a Plug-in-Unit. But These two devices are looking like this picture. They are dimmable 2way Switches from „Moes“.

Yeah, I can fix it with the help of the Rest API output.

It is just a little weird sometimes all the different types of the devices.


  • The Philips smart Plug is of type “on/off plug-in unit”
  • The Philips wall switch module has type “switch”
  • The dresden elektronik Kobold wall switch module has type “dimmable light”

I would say, it is More or less like this: dimmable light

And I think this device type is never a plug, for the moment I have never see a dimmable plug.
More ambiguous for “on/off plug-in unit” …