Kobold pairing with Hue

Hi. I need hel pairing my Kobold to the Philips Hue.

i flashed the latest firmware for the Kobold.

I started the pairing in the hue app und pressed the reset button times. Light flashes 3 times and the hue app couldn’t find any new devices.

Any suggestions what i could have done wrong?

I am not sure if you can use the kobold on hue. Where did you read that?



We can reproduce the issue and are investigating it right now.

It seems that there is a bug in the firmware ending with 29. We have temporarily removed it from the download area. A new version should be released soon, maybe the possibility to downgrade to 26 until then.

The new firmware version ending 2A will be released here soon, with which the fault will be fixed.

Now there is the new firmware version that fixes the issue.

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