Issue: Smart plug reports usage in Homey in without load?

Is anyone else having issues with Blitzwolf BW-SHP15 Plugs on 2.13.2 on Synology (new community Docker image: Even when all devices connected to plugs are turned off at night, I still see power readings alternating every second or so between 0W,54W,0W,54W in Homey (3rd party application using deconz websockets). This happens for multiple plugs. Homey “Insights” shows all devices as if they were turned on all the time (should be 0 at night):

When I look at te Power measurement cluster in vnc however, it stays at 0 all the time, so it looks like an api issue in 2.13.2? BTW: Can I safely downgrade to 2.12 to test?

[Update] I downgraded to 2.12.6 Stable (keeping the docker mount), but the issue remains. I am wondering if this could be due to testing with DDF for these devices when I was on 2.13.2? Would that modify the reporting parameters/config on the device itself (persistently), or is the reporting config always set on devices on deconz start?

The SHP15 wasn’t supported in 2.12.6 , so i that is reporting there’s something wrong elsewhere.

What is the websocket itself showing?

I switched back to 2.13.2.

Should I be able to read the api directly from the beta app?

I can’t seem to login to it, not even with (wrong pass error while I am 100% sure it’s OK since I use it on the regular url
Phoscon App - Login:

is it supported on docker (Syno NAS)?

I do see devices reporting:

Are you on discord? That way i can help a bit faster/ easier.

I found the api in under Phoscon - Help, thanks for that!

  1. Sensor 181 ZHAConsumption and 182 ZHAConsumption both seem to report Power, although in 182 the value always seems to be 0. Could this cause a conflict in Homey using websockets (I noticed strange update bahavior). This plug currently has load around 37W.

I have only 1 _TZ3000_w0qqde0g connected right now. I do see a device that is not connected (can’t find it in vnc either): sensor 179 and 180, Device: a4:c1:38:e5:df:e9:59:1c. Probably orphaned?

    "179": {
        "config": {
            "on": true,
            "reachable": false
        "ep": 1,
        "etag": "c630932055bfad21f5736cd530d21db0",
        "lastannounced": null,
        "lastseen": "2021-11-21T11:00Z",
        "manufacturername": "_TZ3000_w0qqde0g",
        "modelid": "TS011F",
        "name": "Power 179",
        "state": {
            "current": 0,
            "lastupdated": "2021-11-21T10:59:17.778",
            "power": 0,
            "voltage": 235
        "type": "ZHAPower",
        "uniqueid": "a4:c1:38:e5:df:e9:59:1c-01-0b04"
    "180": {
        "config": {
            "on": true,
            "reachable": false
        "ep": 1,
        "etag": "051be3884709179467a4842f7cd85808",
        "lastannounced": null,
        "lastseen": "2021-11-21T11:00Z",
        "manufacturername": "_TZ3000_w0qqde0g",
        "modelid": "TS011F",
        "name": "Consumption 180",
        "state": {
            "consumption": 0,
            "lastupdated": "2021-11-21T10:59:21.841",
            "power": 0
        "type": "ZHAConsumption",
        "uniqueid": "a4:c1:38:e5:df:e9:59:1c-01-0702"
    "181": {
        "config": {
            "on": true,
            "reachable": true
        "ep": 1,
        "etag": "27876ba06c1d27de391b13f7316f6d70",
        "lastannounced": null,
        "lastseen": "2021-11-26T11:38Z",
        "manufacturername": "_TZ3000_w0qqde0g",
        "modelid": "TS011F",
        "name": "Power 181",
        "state": {
            "current": 237,
            "lastupdated": "2021-11-26T11:39:57.690",
            "power": 37,
            "voltage": 230
        "type": "ZHAPower",
        "uniqueid": "a4:c1:38:c7:83:b5:90:14-01-0b04"
    "182": {
        "config": {
            "on": true,
            "reachable": true
        "ep": 1,
        "etag": "c40fb96b8343b0b827a97b34fb7ec0f5",
        "lastannounced": null,
        "lastseen": "2021-11-26T11:38Z",
        "manufacturername": "_TZ3000_w0qqde0g",
        "modelid": "TS011F",
        "name": "Consumption 182",
        "state": {
            "consumption": 4310,
            "lastupdated": "2021-11-26T11:39:58.646",
            "power": 0
        "type": "ZHAConsumption",
        "uniqueid": "a4:c1:38:c7:83:b5:90:14-01-0702"

Anoner other plug that flipflops between 0 and 37W (currently no actual load):

   "153": {
        "config": {
            "on": true,
            "reachable": true
        "ep": 1,
        "etag": "493c27ecb16521cb3bdbcea21cbf36ef",
        "lastannounced": null,
        "lastseen": "2021-11-26T11:53Z",
        "manufacturername": "_TZ3000_mraovvmm",
        "modelid": "TS011F",
        "name": "Power 153",
        "state": {
            "current": 63,
            "lastupdated": "2021-11-26T11:53:59.196",
            "power": 0,
            "voltage": 238
        "type": "ZHAPower",
        "uniqueid": "84:fd:27:ff:fe:ce:7c:45-01-0b04"
    "154": {
        "config": {
            "on": true,
            "reachable": true
        "ep": 1,
        "etag": "e424d84ef008c08ffb1d1ad30134a130",
        "lastannounced": null,
        "lastseen": "2021-11-26T11:53Z",
        "manufacturername": "_TZ3000_mraovvmm",
        "modelid": "TS011F",
        "name": "Consumption 154",
        "state": {
            "consumption": 8410,
            "lastupdated": "2021-11-26T11:53:56.597",
            "power": 37
        "type": "ZHAConsumption",
        "uniqueid": "84:fd:27:ff:fe:ce:7c:45-01-0702"

It makes me think that the power and consumption are both reported on the ZHAconsumption endpoint.

@Mimiix Please ignore this specific issue, it looks like this was the result of messing around with a DDF files a few days ago. I may have unintentionally added the Power cluster myself. I just factory reset a plug and added it, and "Power"no longer shows up under ZHAConsumption! This also seems to have affected other older plugs (my SHP15’s).

No my only issue with the new orange Tuya plugs is that they do not seem to report by themselves, regardless of the 1/300/1 setting (pressing “Read” works all the time).

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