Incorrect status of (dropped) end point devices


Since updating to deCONZ 2.28.1 (via Home Assistant), end point devices that have dropped off the network are showing in the Phoscon UI correctly as dropped (greyed out) for an hour or so, then reverting to online (not greyed out) despite still being unresponsive. The change is subsequently reflected in Home Assistant - it now thinks all end point devices are online when they’re not. This didn’t happen in the previous 2.25.3 version. Though strangely when I rolled back to this version the problem persisted, so now I’m stuck with it. It doesn’t look like it’s related to Home Assistant in any way.

I’m using a Conbee III. Firmware versions 26530900 and the previous 26510900. That change didn’t appear to have an effect.

The devices dropping (various Aqara sensors) is a separate issue that pre-dates this problem and was the catalyst for me upgrading in hopes of a fix.

Any idea how I can fix this?


Could you please generate a log file of about 5 mins and share it?

Option 1:

To get debug logs in a GUI installation, open deCONZ and click Help. After that, click Debug View. The following debug levels need to be enabled for proper logging: INFO, INFO_L2, ERROR, ERROR_L2, APS, APS_L2, DDF, DEV.
Please note that in the HA Addon and Docker webVNC, you can’t copy paste. You need to use a Native VNC Client. HA Addon How-To, Docker Environment Vars.

Option 2:

To get debug logs in a headless installation / ssh session, use the following commands:

sudo systemctl stop deconz-gui
sudo systemctl stop deconz
/usr/bin/deCONZ -platform minimal --dbg-aps=2 --dbg-info=2 --dbg-error=2 --dbg-ddf=1 --dbg-dev=1 | tee debug.txt

When done, exit the process with CTRL+C. You can now start the systemctl service again. Your logs will be printed in the console, as well as saved to a file named debug.txt in the current directory. Be sure to capture at least a few minutes worth of logs. When sharing these logs, DO NOT attempt to paste them into a channel. Instead use a pastebin service such as this or this.

Afterwards, don’t forget to disable logging. This is especially important when running off an SD card, as the debug logging will cause unnessecary writes, and might shorten the life of your media.

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Finally someone having the same issues than me :slightly_smiling_face: I already racked my brains.

Could you share the logs swoop is requesting?

Sure - will share shortly. Sorry - been a bit busy.

Hi @Swoop, I’ve been having a look at this. Not quite sure how to use a native VNC client within Home Assistant - that link you posted doesn’t explain that - just how to open the port. I can’t find any native VNC viewers in the Home Assistant Add-On store. Or did you mean something else? I did try to do this with the latest deCONZ add-on which has a different VNC viewer as part of it, but as you pointed out - copy-paste didn’t work


I’m sorry, but I can’t help out with that. I personnally do not use HA and also have no experience with it.

I use the official VNC Viewer on Win + Mac, which can be found in both the Microsoft + Apple Store.
If not disabled in some config, it should be able to connect to deCONZ GUI just by using the IP of your Homeassistant host. (Just in case: the default VNC port is 5900).

Before fiddling with the startup arguments, you can try to connect VNC and click DEBUG in the GUI. There you can choose logging levels as well - you only will miss the first entries of the startup sequence, since the debug levels reset every time.

Hi guys,

Finally got around to figuring this out. Find log here:

In addition to the subject here, I’ve noticed neighbour links aren’t showing for any end point devices, even though they are all functioning as expected (Min LQI display is set to 0 - have tried different values and CRE has both options selected.)

Additionally, some Aqara end point devices seem to drop off randomly. Two of them work fine all of the time. The other three drop off within a few hours to a few days consistently. I’ve no way of knowing which routing device they’re connected to because I can’t see the neighbour links. The same devices worked fine with the Conbee II (I’m now on Conbee III which is generally much more stable for my large network).

Let me know if you need any more info.


Can you please elaborate which device we should expect to become unavailable and available again, as you described in your first post? Looking at the data, everything is reachable.

There are three that cause problems - Bedroom Wardrobe Sensor (which I’ve just replaced with the same model to see if there’s some sort of fault), Bathroom Humidity Sensor and Bathroom Door Sensor. When these drop off, it’s not reflected in Phoscon.

Any idea why the neighbour links aren’t showing? Not sure if all of this is related?