IKEA Starkvind's "off" PM 2.5 value is reported as max value

When Starkvind turn’s off or turn’s on or when there is no actual reading available it reports “65535” value instead of not reporting any values.

Workaround I am using atm is Home Assistants template (excerpt):

          {% set current = states('sensor.air_purifier_pm25') | float(none) %}
          {% if current < 65535 %}
            {{ current }}
          {% else %}

But obviously this should not be needed and no value should be reported and because of this it is a bug.

Also - please move this where appropriate. There is literally no info about where to post bug reports: [Announcement] Closing User questions and feature requests on Github. Moving to forums! · Issue #5113 · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin · GitHub Nothing about bugs mentioned. Totall community mess.