IKEA motion sensors are reporting twice with different uniqueid extention

Since using 2.13.1 my IKEA motion sensors (both old and new models) are reported on an extension ‘-01-1000’ and ‘-01-0006’. This issue persists on deCONZ 2.13.2. I do remember that the -01-1000 extension was part of issues in the past for the rest-api? For my plugin this is an issue as it now creates a device with two motion sensors in it…

The webhook seems to be reporting motion only on the ‘-01-1000’ extensions. Here are the rest-api results coming from postman:

“119”: {
“config”: {
“alert”: null,
“battery”: 74,
“delay”: 60,
“duration”: null,
“on”: true,
“reachable”: true
“ep”: 1,
“etag”: “d19d9ac2e7833e9813cc3afbf3f64425”,
“lastannounced”: null,
“lastseen”: “2021-11-11T09:50Z”,
“manufacturername”: “IKEA of Sweden”,
“modelid”: “TRADFRI motion sensor”,
“name”: “Kelder sensor”,
“state”: {
“dark”: true,
“lastupdated”: “2021-11-11T15:04:19.953”,
“presence”: false
“type”: “ZHAPresence”,
“uniqueid”: “00:0b:57:ff:fe:38:1d:a3-01-0006

“121”: {
“config”: {
“alert”: “none”,
“battery”: 74,
“delay”: 60,
“duration”: 60,
“group”: “41745”,
“on”: true,
“reachable”: true
“ep”: 1,
“etag”: “28590c9282bf9899507e424905551ced”,
“lastannounced”: “2021-11-06T19:52:24Z”,
“lastseen”: “2021-11-11T15:38Z”,
“manufacturername”: “IKEA of Sweden”,
“modelid”: “TRADFRI motion sensor”,
“name”: “Kelder sensor”,
“state”: {
“dark”: true,
“lastupdated”: “2021-11-11T15:04:19.152”,
“presence”: false
“type”: “ZHAPresence”,
“uniqueid”: “00:0b:57:ff:fe:38:1d:a3-01-1000

Can you report this on the github?

I will copy this to the github as well. I am confused on when to post what and where? It feels double :slight_smile:

I’ll close this one. Issue #5113 on github is explaining what goes where :slight_smile:

Based on your feedback, i’ve created a new category with bugs for deCONZ in which we move topics to when they are bugs (like this one).

Users can’t post , but we can.