HY368 Device cannot be found in deConz

after my first attempts with bluetooth devices I bought 2 different Zigbee devices. One worked properly, the other refuses to be shown in deCONZ. Now I don’t know which information I need to write an issue on github. I found this line:

Websocket send message: {“attr”:{“id”:“2”,“lastannounced”:“2025-02-13T21:04:40Z”,“lastseen”:“2025-02-13T21:03Z”,“manufacturername”:“_TZE200_ywdxldoj”,“mode”:1,“modelid”:“TS0601”,“name”:“S”,“productid”:“Tuya_THD HY368 TRV”,“swversion”:null,“type”:“ZHAThermostat”,“uniqueid”:“04:0d:84:ff:fe:61:7f:33-01-0201”},“e”:“changed”,“id”:“2”,“r”:“sensors”,“t”:“event”,“uniqueid”:“04:0d:84:ff:fe:61:7f:33-01-0201”} (ret = 378)

The device is called “Moes Zigbee Radiator Thermostat” The package says: Model: HY368

What else information do I need? Browsing around it felt like this device should actually be supported …


Hello, you probably have a clone, You need to use deconz to include the device and see the model id/ Manufacture name of the device that can’t be included in the API.

sorry … just realized: the line I posted above is the other sensor that is found in deCONZ (I can tell by the name=“s” which is the name I gave that sensor)

Can you tell me how I can find the required information?

Just use the GUI and include the device

Usefull informations are in Cluster 0x00000

the device does not appear in deCONZ at all …

Can you create logs when trying to pair?