How to upload DDF files to Home Assistant?

Hi All,

Today I started with trying uploading DDF files what is new for me because I have a Tuya temperature sensor which I would like to connect to Deconz.

However, HA is running on a PI at home, but do not know how I can upload the DDF files to the deconz folder over Samba when I’m connecting to Home Assistant?

Does someone know how I can do this over Filezilla or Samba?

Long story here > How to add/edit a DDF on Home assistant using text editor?
Short story > you have an hidden shared folder /data/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/devices/ but still need to access to the docker to do something.

So it must be done over SSH?

IDK if samba or filezilla can access to docker contain.