How to trigger smoke detector alarm

I am using openHAB with Phoscon and want to trigger the alarm for a smoke detector.
The smoke detector has cluster 502.
When I trigger the alarm for one second through the deCONZ GUI, the alarm goes off immediately and stops after one second. Perfect.
When I search for the smoke detector via Phoscon and integrate it into openHAB, an alarm channel is created, where I can select “none,” “select,” and “lselect.”
Unfortunately, triggering the alarm this way doesn’t work – when I switch multiple times between select and lselect, the alarm eventually goes off, but this seems random.

I have saved the DDF, which is visible in the deCONZ preview, as a JSON file under /home/user/.local/share/deCONZ/devices. Changes to the file also take effect.
I have logged the command from the deCONZ GUI; what should I do with it now?

“restapi”: “/lights”,
“uuid”: [
“items”: [
“name”: “attr/id”
“name”: “attr/lastannounced”
“name”: “attr/lastseen”
“name”: “attr/manufacturername”
“name”: “attr/modelid”
“name”: “attr/name”
“name”: “attr/swversion”
“name”: “attr/type”
“name”: “attr/uniqueid”
“name”: “state/alert”,
“description”: “Start warning command payload has 5 Bytes. Byte 1: Options. 0x17 = Warning mode 1 (burglar), Strobe, Very high sound. Byte 2-3: Duration, Byte 4: Strobe duty cycle, Byte 5: Strobe level”,
“read”: {
“fn”: “none”
“write”: {
“cl”: “0x0502”,
“cmd”: “0x00”,
“ep”: “0x01”,
“eval”: “if (Item.val == ‘select’) { ‘01FF001001000000’ } else { ‘0000000000000000’ }”,
“fn”: “zcl:cmd”
“default”: “none”
“name”: “state/reachable”

does not work. I can switch multiple times between “none” and “select”. Nothing happens. If i choose “lselect” (like before), it goes off.

If I trigger it, it sends:

APS-DATA.request id: 19, addrmode: 0x03, addr: 0x0015BC00310269B4, profile: 0x0104, cluster: 0x0502, ep: 0x01 → 0x01 queue: 0 len: 8 tx.options 0x00
21:23:40:814 asdu (length: 8): 110B001701000000

This is NOT the payload I have declared…

How can I address this issue?

The Zigbee alarm or rather alert channel is usually found for lights, and select and lselect makes the light blink 3 or 8 times respectively before ending up in it most current state.
I think after it is done blinking, it reverts back to none automatically.

I use this for an event feedback on a light:

String EntryAlarm { channel = "deconz:colortemperaturelight:homeserver:000b57fffe29e5ce01:alert" }


How do the Endpoints and Clusters look like for your device?
And the DDF you are using?

Seems like openHab is confusing your alarm channel with this?

This is what the DDF-Preview in deCONZ-Gui looks like:

“schema”: “devcap1.schema.json”,
“manufacturername”: “frient A/S”,
“modelid”: “SMSZB-120”,
“vendor”: “Frient”,
“product”: “Intelligent smoke alarm (SMSZB-120)”,
“sleeper”: false,
“status”: “Gold”,
“path”: “/devices/frient/smszb-120_smoke_detector.json”,
“subdevices”: [
“type”: “$TYPE_FIRE_SENSOR”,
“restapi”: “/sensors”,
“uuid”: [
“fingerprint”: {
“profile”: “0x0104”,
“device”: “0x0402”,
“endpoint”: “0x23”,
“in”: [
“items”: [
“name”: “attr/id”
“name”: “attr/lastannounced”
“name”: “attr/lastseen”
“name”: “attr/manufacturername”
“name”: “attr/modelid”
“name”: “attr/name”
“name”: “attr/swversion”
“name”: “attr/type”
“name”: “attr/uniqueid”
“name”: “config/battery”,
“parse”: {
“at”: “0x0020”,
“cl”: “0x0001”,
“ep”: 35,
“script”: “develco_battery.js”
“default”: 0
“name”: “config/enrolled”,
“public”: false
“name”: “config/on”
“name”: “config/pending”
“name”: “config/reachable”
“name”: “state/fire”
“name”: “state/lastupdated”
“name”: “state/lowbattery”
“name”: “state/test”,
“default”: false
“restapi”: “/sensors”,
“uuid”: [
“fingerprint”: {
“profile”: “0x0104”,
“device”: “0x0302”,
“endpoint”: “0x26”,
“in”: [
“items”: [
“name”: “attr/id”
“name”: “attr/lastannounced”
“name”: “attr/lastseen”
“name”: “attr/manufacturername”
“name”: “attr/modelid”
“name”: “attr/name”
“name”: “attr/swversion”
“name”: “attr/type”
“name”: “attr/uniqueid”
“name”: “config/battery”,
“parse”: {
“at”: “0x0020”,
“cl”: “0x0001”,
“ep”: 35,
“script”: “develco_battery.js”
“default”: 0
“name”: “config/offset”,
“default”: 0
“name”: “config/on”
“name”: “config/reachable”
“name”: “state/lastupdated”
“name”: “state/temperature”,
“default”: 0
“restapi”: “/lights”,
“uuid”: [
“items”: [
“name”: “attr/id”
“name”: “attr/lastannounced”
“name”: “attr/lastseen”
“name”: “attr/manufacturername”
“name”: “attr/modelid”
“name”: “attr/name”
“name”: “attr/swversion”
“name”: “attr/type”
“name”: “attr/uniqueid”
“name”: “state/alert”,
“description”: “Start warning command payload has 5 Bytes. Byte 1: Options. 0x17 = Warning mode 1 (burglar), Strobe, Very high sound. Byte 2-3: Duration, Byte 4: Strobe duty cycle, Byte 5: Strobe level”,
“read”: {
“fn”: “none”
“write”: {
“cl”: “0x0502”,
“cmd”: “0x00”,
“ep”: “0x01”,
“eval”: “if (Item.val == ‘select’) { ‘01FF001001000000’ } else { ‘0000000000000000’ }”,
“fn”: “zcl:cmd”
“default”: “none”
“name”: “state/reachable”
“bindings”: [
“bind”: “unicast”,
“src.ep”: 35,
“cl”: “0x0001”,
“report”: [
“at”: “0x0020”,
“dt”: “0x20”,
“min”: 300,
“max”: 43200,
“change”: “0x00000001”
“bind”: “unicast”,
“src.ep”: 35,
“cl”: “0x0500”
“bind”: “unicast”,
“src.ep”: 38,
“cl”: “0x0402”,
“report”: [
“at”: “0x0000”,
“dt”: “0x29”,
“min”: 60,
“max”: 600,
“change”: “0x0000000A”
(modified the eval method)
So it’s shown as a light in Phoscon and an AlertDevice in OpenHab.

I copied the ddf, changed the eval-method and placed it under

If I delete a part of this ddf, it’s gone from phoscon, too. So I think the file is loaded.
But if I start deCONZ-Gui I have to stop the phoscon-service because the gui comes with it’s own, so I don’t know if the file is loaded or not.

The payload in the modified eval is not sent when triggering with “select”.
So I see 2 possibilities here:

  1. The file is loaded properly using phoscon-service but not loaded properly when using deCONZ-Gui ( I don’t think so because the default-ddf-file uses a 5-byte payload - but 8 are needed and sent)
  2. The “name”: “state/alert” - part is useless and some other mechanism is triggered while triggering the alarm

This is what I need to send:


This is what is sent:


I have absolutely no idea where this is coming from. Ideas?

And if you try with a random number ?

“eval”: “if (Item.val == ‘select’) { ‘1122334455667788’ } else { ‘AABBCCDDEEFFGG’ }”,

To see the result on logs.

There is always:

PS-DATA.confirm id: 87, status: 0x00 SUCCESS
Even if I change it to

“eval”: “0”
it logs:

16:56:10:813 ZCL cmd attr 0x0015BC00310269B4, ep: 0x01, cl: 0x0502, cmd: 0x00, mfcode: 0x0000, 87, zcl.seq: 26
16:56:10:813 APS-DATA.request id: 87, addrmode: 0x03, addr: 0x0015BC00310269B4, profile: 0x0104, cluster: 0x0502, ep: 0x01 → 0x01 queue: 0 len: 4 tx.options 0x00
16:56:10:813 asdu (length: 4): 111A0000
16:56:10:844 APS-DATA.confirm id: 87, status: 0x00 SUCCESS
16:56:10:844 APS-DATA.confirm request id: 87 → erase from queue
16:56:10:849 aps request id: 87 finished, erase from queue

even with eval: “0”
I can toggle between “none” and “select” a few hundret times. Nothing happens.
Then I choose “lselect” and booom, the alarm goes off.
Sounds useable… but the alarm will not stop until I remove the batteries…

Another thing:
I’ve toggled a few times bewtween “none” and “lselect”.
Every time “none” was chosen, the request looks like this:

APS-DATA.request id: 209, addrmode: 0x03, addr: 0x0015BC00310269B4, profile: 0x0104, cluster: 0x0502, ep: 0x01 → 0x01 queue: 0 len: 4 tx.options 0x00
asdu (length: 4): 110C0000

And lselect looks like this:

APS-DATA.request id: 64, addrmode: 0x03, addr: 0x0015BC00310269B4, profile: 0x0104, cluster: 0x0502, ep: 0x01 → 0x23 queue: 0 len: 8 tx.options 0x04
asdu (length: 8): 111800172C010A00

“eval”: “0”
16:56:10:813 asdu (length: 4): 111A0000

This one is better for me, remember first bytes are zigbee stuff, not the value.
But the lenght is bad, 0x0000000000000000 is not the same thing than 0x00