How to resolve "connect ECONNREFUSED"

Hi, I am running Hoobs and Deconz on a RPI. It ran without any problem but now I get the following in the logs:
31-1-2024 13:18:22Deconz BridgedeCONZ192.168.178.50: request 1: GET /config
31-1-2024 13:18:22Deconz BridgedeCONZWARNINGwarning: request 1: connect ECONNREFUSED
31-1-2024 13:18:22Deconz BridgedeCONZWARNINGwarning: connect ECONNREFUSED - retrying in 60s
Can somebody instruct me what to do and how? Thank you!

Hello, it’s not a deconz error message but the connexion refused can come from a bug that have invalidate the API key.
Can try to generate a new one, can try too directly the url in a browser