Help with TS0201 & TS0601 Temp / Humidity Sensors not showing in Phoscon. Need DDFs?

I got the below sensors as they said they are Zigbee, and also compatible with Tuya and Alexa so I assumed they’d pair with Conbee. Looks like they are pairing in Conbee/deCONZ but they don’t show up in Phoscon? when I open the node info models say TS0201 & TS0601
I’m new to all of this so it seems I need DDFs? Where can I get these and where to put them?

Screenshots attached – help is highly appreciated!

deCONZ screenshots…

Sensors are from aliexpress, item numbers 1005002362771074 & 1005003637487200

They seem to be unsupported.

What is their manufacturer name?

Open The basic cluster and click read (might need to be awake).

I tried the DDFs posted for both devices… they do pair/show in deCONZ but are not “publishing” (or whatever the correct term is) so the devices do not show in Phoscon or Homeseer. I have 17 other sensors and 15 lights which all work fine, multiple brands.

I’m having the same issue both of these…

I created JSON files using Windows Notepad and put them in the folder… C:\Program Files (x86)\deCONZ\devices\tuya

any ideas why this is not working?

The DDF can not working, but your device need to be reconized, there is probably a problem here

  "manufacturername": "_TZE200_qoy0ekbd",
  "modelid": "TS0601",

It s for that Mimiix asking for captures.

C:\Program Files (x86)\deCONZ\devices\tuya

You can see other DDF in this folder ?

other stock DDFs are in that folder - my added DDFs are getting “attached” to the new paired devices from within the deCONZ app. So looks like deCONZ recognizes those DDFs belong to the new devices.

But, still not showing in Phoscon?

@Mimiix … I have added screen caps of one device from before I put in the custom DDF.


Please use the github issue and not the forums, otherwise everything goes all over the place :sweat_smile:

Hi There
just have the same issue and saw that in the GitHub a DDF solution is available. So just wonder how to add this to my system. So where do I have to add this DDF solution I found in GitHub?

Depend of OS.

All DDF provided directly with deCONZ typically reside in /usr/share/deCONZ/devices/ on a Linux system and are loaded first. However, files residing in the home directory of the user running deCONZ (e.g. /home/<DECONZUSER>/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/devices) will override the pre-packaged files to allow users to amend and keep their own files if desired.

If you use HA How to add/edit a DDF on Home assistant using text editor?

You just need to create a text file called waht_you_want.json in one folder “devices” with the DDF contain, then restart deconz, and include the device.

OK thanks for this help. I just struggling finding the correct directory. I am using HA on a Pi4, supervisor+docker. Access through ssh is given. So where do I find the correct directory to put in the file? Thanks

Did you read the link Smanar provided ?

yes, but Iam totally struggeled. Using the terminal mode in HA I only see 5 directories (config, addons, ssl, share, backup), nothing like explained in the link from Smanar. Most proabaly something not in line as should be to get to the requested directory. JJ

It’s docker, all is virtual, need to go on the deconz plugin docker.

  • docker container ls
  • look for container id of the Deconz instance
  • docker exec -it {id} /bin/bash

and inside you will see a folder /data/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/devices/