According to web/pwa:
Version 2.13.01 / 06/10/2021
Firmware 26710700 (RaspBee II)
Did you solve the problem? I have the same with the outdoor motion sensor.
@Mimiix yesterday I successfully migrated from the deprecated marthoc deconz docker image to the new one ( ) and was able to connect my Hue motion sensors again.
Many thanks for your support!
unfortunately not, the outdoor motion sensor still does not work for me. I can pair it, but it remains “unreachable”. Does the outdoor sensor work for anyone?
Are you on 2.13.2?
I assume yes, I updated to deconz latest beta and I am seeing ‘2.13.02 / 20/07/2021’ in the web interface… the sensor does show links to other devices in deconz, but status is still “not reachable”.
I am also on the latest beta.
A new docker container showed the same problem.
Can confirm the pairing with HUE Motion Sensor (FW is now working after deconz upgrade to 2.13.02.
What is still not working is: The values for light and temperature are always show as zero.
I’m at version 2.13.02 and the newly added sensors show values for lux and temp for me.
The firmware of my sensors is at a higher level though:
(I connected them first to HUE hub to upgrade FW)
will do, thanks.
Working now without me doing anything…