Failing to update Raspbee


I was using my Raspbee running 26050500 for a couple of years. Recently my system started having issues with the ZigBee setup. I updated from a Pi 3 to a Pi 4 as I assumed the load would be the issue (1 GB of RAM which was full all the time). The new setup worked fine, but would only last for a day until it needed a restart.

I’m trying to update to a more recent firmware (26400500). I am following Update deCONZ manually · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin Wiki · GitHub and set up a dedicated Pi 3 with “Raspbian Buster Desktop” from SD-cart images. The phoscon app successfully connects to the Raspbee (though no lights are configured in the temporary installation). But the GCFFlasher_internal seems to be stuck at “query bootloader id V1” which it will print forever:

pi@phoscon:~ $ sudo GCFFlasher_internal -t 60 -d /dev/serial0 -f deCONZ_Rpi_0x26400500.bin.GCF
read file success: deCONZ_Rpi_0x26400500.bin.GCF (127664 bytes)
flash firmware
command UART reset done
query bootloader id V1
query bootloader id V1
query bootloader failed
retry: 54 seconds left
read file success: deCONZ_Rpi_0x26400500.bin.GCF (127664 bytes)
flash firmware
command UART reset done
query bootloader id V1
query bootloader id V1
query bootloader id V1

And querying the available devices (when deconz and deconz-gui are stopped) also fails:

pi@phoscon:~ $ sudo GCFFlasher_internal -l -x 3 -d /dev/serial0
no devices found
Path              | Serial      | Type

Is the device damaged? Or am I missing something?

Not 100% sure it’s related but there’s a bug in the flasher with raspbee, I’d try with the last deconz beta where it should be fixed.

I’ve bought a RaspBee II to check if it is an issue with the image or the Raspberry Pi. Using the RaspBee II I can perform firmware updates just fine.

So I presume there is either a bug in the flasher or my RaspBee I is gone for good. It still is myterious as to why it is still running fine for about a day and suddenly start to transmit any package at all, just stating the network is busy.