Event propagation for switches and power plugs

ConBee II
Version: 2.13.02 / 9/19/2021
Firmware: 26720700

Version: 1.3.8
Node.js Version: v16.13.0
mDNS Advertiser: CIAU

Apple TV4
Version: 15.1.1

Hello Guys,

in my setup everything works fine except the state of the lights when I’m controlling them through physical switches like the SONOFF 01MINIZB

,which I installed in to the walls. The Phoscon App shows the state of the lights immediately when I toggle the switches on the wall but apparently does not propagate the state to HomeBridge so I can see the state of the light on my Home App also. I need to refresh my HomeBridge GUI on the Browser or the Home App on my phone to see the current state.

Other devices like occupancy sensors or wireless rocker switches give immediate feedback on the HomeBridge/Home App and behave like expected.

Is this a Phoscon or HomeBridge config issue by my side?

Thanks for your help!

Hello, Phoscon and homeBridget need to react same.
A thing you can try if you can’t see the websocket request in logs (it s the way used by deconz to send update information), is using the beta version of phoscon https://github.com/dresden-elektronik/phoscon-app-beta in help / API information, you will be able to see them in “event”.