I just flashed the latest (2.28.1) deCONZ-with-desktop image to an SDcard, and it seems to work ok on my Raspberry Pi 2 (as an older version before).
However, after (auto)logon to the OS desktop, I see these warnings:
dterror: Failed to resolve overlay 'miniuart-bt'
dterror: cant find symbol 'uart0_pins'
What do they mean? Can I ignore them?
This Raspberry Pi has no bluetooth (in case that it is about).
The radio is a RaspBee II.
After adding dtoverlay=disable-bt
to /boot/firmware/config.txt
I get this new warning:
dterror: Failed to resolve overlay disable-bt
Instead I simply had to comment dtoverlay=miniuart-bt
and the warnings do not appear anymore.
However, in Phoscon, the firmware version is now displayed as “not connected”. I am not sure, but maybe this is more related to having commented the dtoverlay=miniuart-bt
So this was not the solution as I first thought, sorry.