Device correctly identified by deconz not by phoscon

Tuya (MOES) smart dimmer module 1 way correctly identified by Deconz:
This is content of DFF:
“schema”: “devcap1.schema.json”,
“manufacturername”: “_TZE200_la2c2uo9”,
“modelid”: “TS0601”,
“product”: “Tuya_DIMSWITCH MS-105Z”,
“sleeper”: false,
“status”: “Draft”,
“subdevices”: [
“restapi”: “/lights”,
“uuid”: [
“items”: [
“name”: “attr/id”
“name”: “attr/lastannounced”
“name”: “attr/lastseen”
“name”: “attr/manufacturername”
“name”: “attr/modelid”
“name”: “attr/name”
“name”: “attr/productid”,
“public”: false
“name”: “attr/swversion”
“name”: “attr/type”
“name”: “attr/uniqueid”
“name”: “state/alert”,
“description”: “The currently active alert effect.”,
“default”: “none”
“name”: “state/bri”,
“description”: “The current brightness.”,
“refresh.interval”: 5
“name”: “state/on”,
“description”: “True when device is on; false when off.”,
“refresh.interval”: 5
“name”: “state/reachable”

But in Phoscon and thereby IOBroker the device is handled as smart plug, so no dimming function (state brightness not shown). Any way to fix it?

The produced DDF is made on the fly by legacy code. We probably could handle it thru a more appropriate DDF like perhaps this one after modification (deconz-rest-plugin/_TZE200_e3oitdyu_smart_dimmer_module.json at 52bbb042ac447e3e04a4a560afb68f4f29d66b8e · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin · GitHub) but we need more details thru a device request issue you could open.

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