deCONZ roadmap update and urgent fixes

hi everyone
sorry to be the one picking up on this topic, but I have the feeling deCONZ is not moving forward even though there are massive problems since a couple of versions.
At least for me the current state is not reliable as it used to be, and for more than six months there is no visible progress.

The GitHub repo sees no progress, bugs stay for many versions.

Can someone post (and maybe make it sticky) a roadmap update? I guess it’s about time to fix the core instead of pushing more and more DDF for the billions of Ali-Tuya-things that one single user gets from CN.
Or is it about time to look for a Zigbee alternative and deCONZ is dying slowly (sorry for the straight question)?

Thanks for an update /statement.

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@de_employees I can remember we were going to have a roadmap but I never received it.

Look at here :

Thanks for the heads-up @Idaho947 - seems I was just 3 days late :wink:
Now we have two posts to track this.

I ask Manuel to keep an update here or on another thread. The GitHub one is not the correct place.

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Thank you @Mimiix!

I am waiting for the latest stabe release, but I am waiting already a long time.
The feeling that deConz is maybe coming to its end, is maybe correct.
Changing deConz has not been an improvement the last two years.
Maybe there is no other option to do this, but for the user it is questionable.
What can we expect in the future, or should we go somewhere else.
There are alternatives.

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It’s kind of interesting and sad at the same time to see a software project go downhill. After two years, I’ve finally decided to switch to Z2M with Home Assistant.

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I used deconz since start using Home assistant back in 2020. I have now 167 devices running off the upgraded Conbee 3. Everything runs ok , the occasional drop off Aqara sensors mostly because some interference, bad battery reporting, sticking with one router only etc etc, not Deconz fault I think.

I think Deconz is a smaller, niche community compared with maybe Z2M or ZHA. I think they did come a long way from the original development, the DDF brought a quicker implementation of fixes and new devices support. All the guys supporting this project are super nice and super helpful and they do their best to help everyone. I just want to express my gratitude. Thank you guys!

I too have at times problem re-pairing some sensors and I need to restart my raspberry pi to reset the ZigBee mesh. Not sure if I take all apart and put it under Z2M or ZHA will be much better. The green grass from the other side of the mountain.

I would hope that the project continues and it does not die. Maybe making both Deconz and Phoscon opensource (and still managed by Dresden Elektronik).

All we need is a message of hope from the Dresden guys. A roadmap and a message of hope, cherry on top!

Thank you!