So I had, until a few hours ago, a working home-assistant with a conbee 2 on debian buster on a NUC and thought of upgrading the system to bullseye (it was time)… But it seems that it was a really bad idea.
I managed to update everything without issue, updated the repo, deconz service started, home-assistant started. Everything seems to be present but I can’t do anything .
To help with everything deconz is giving no logs at all when you try to activate something helping a lot to debug. I tried to find how to activate debugs but I have already changed my service more than 10 times with no results so it’s starting to be really annoying.
Did someone has the same issues or knows how to make deconz give logs?
The current service configuration that is not working:
It did work to make the deCONZ service work, but it broke my Debian… lost apt and everything else, can’t access to docker, most things are in segfault… So my current solution is to reinstall everything as I could make a backup I should be able to get everything back-up (maybe)
Redid the install step by step, without deleting anything and it did not work.
Took me some time to realize… I had put the rights to dialout to root and not to the user I created during the debian installation… Did not realize the service was running with that user… It finally work…
What should be remember from this:
Never update to Debian bullseye if you are not on a raspberry it will never work
Don’t try to install on Debian bullseye the package doesn’t exists.
If someone developing on the conbee ever comes through here, please add logs, lots and lots of logs, I don’t care if they don’t live long, just throw everything you have. I can’t see anyone being annoyed at too much logs (but I saw a lot of people annoyed by the fact that there are none), after more than 15 hours trying to debug this I promise you that it would have been welcome.
Sooo… seems like I did not spent enough time on this… I managed to have the firmware but it only worked for a few moments… And now it doesn’t work again.