Deconz collector App for splunk

Hi all,
is there anyone using the deconz collector App for SPLUNK from FX Ganzer ?
I am struggling to get it working.

I haven’t heard about any of those things, ever :sweat_smile:


It’s not “very good” documented, but if it works, it could be a fine way to supervise the Zigbee network.
Or do you have other ways to supervise your sensors :thinking:

Ah okay. I believe it’s just a tool to collect data into one database, correct?

Never seen it before so no clue how it works. I use home assistant myself :slight_smile:

correct, if it works, it should log the status of all zigbee devices.
Then, an alert can be created if a sensor is unreachable …

I do not use HomeAssistant, I use openHAB.

Do you monitor the availability of your sensors with HomeAssistant and create alerts if one fails?