Debian Bookworm - ConBee3 - Phoscon not interact

hi there,

my phoscon-app will not interact with the conbee3-stick. (No manufacturer, no Firmware)
the system:

  • Mini-PC
  • Debian Bookworm Headless, fresh installation
  • deconz installed like the Phoscon-Site show for the Raspberry and Ubuntu
  • ioBroker, fresh installation, deConz-Adapter interact with Phoscon-App (both show same rooms)

So, now my problems start:
i cant interact with the ConBee3, not with the Phoscon-App (http://IP/pwa) nor ioBroker-Adapter (IP, Bridge 80, websecket 8081, fresh API-Key).

deConz looks like to accept and start the ConBee3-Stick… (Listing below)

Where i have to search for the wrong configuration?
Big Thanks for Help, please just push me in the right direction…

here the listing from

deCONZ --dbg-error=1 --dbg-info=2 -platform minimal

first i put out the Stick:

11:55:32:083 device disconnected reason: 1, device index: 0
11:55:32:453 wait reconnect 15 seconds
11:55:32:465 COM: /dev/ttyS1 :  :  (0x8086/0x54A8)
11:55:32:465 COM: /dev/ttyS0 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
11:55:32:465 networkState: CC_ReconnectNetwork
11:55:32:465 start reconnect to network
11:55:33:453 wait reconnect 14 seconds
11:55:34:453 wait reconnect 13 seconds

After this deConz search for a device:

11:55:57:464 COM: /dev/ttyS1 :  :  (0x8086/0x54A8)
11:55:57:464 COM: /dev/ttyS0 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
11:55:57:953 failed to reconnect to network try=5

Now i stick in the ConBee3 again:

11:55:59:464 COM: /dev/ttyS1 :  :  (0x8086/0x54A8)
11:55:59:464 COM: /dev/ttyS0 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
11:56:00:464 COM: /dev/ttyUSB0 : ConBee III : dresden elektronik (0x0403/0x6015)
11:56:00:468 COM: /dev/ttyS1 :  :  (0x8086/0x54A8)
11:56:00:468 COM: /dev/ttyS0 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
11:56:00:469 auto connect com /dev/ttyUSB0
This plugin does not support propagateSizeHints()
11:56:02:024 COM: /dev/ttyUSB0 : ConBee III : dresden elektronik (0x0403/0x6015)
11:56:02:027 COM: /dev/ttyS1 :  :  (0x8086/0x54A8)
11:56:02:027 COM: /dev/ttyS0 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
11:56:02:027 Device firmware version 0x264E0900
11:56:02:953 reconnect network done
11:56:04:953 Daylight now: goldenHour1, status: 160, daylight: 1, dark: 0
11:56:04:953 Daylight now: goldenHour1, status: 160, daylight: 1, dark: 0

followed be endless Daylight-Messages and one:

11:56:34:993 [Master] read param with arg 0x19
11:56:35:057 Device reset watchdog 7200 s

This means the device has been removed from the USB port. So either:

  • you are removing the USB drive from the port (unlikely)
  • The USB port provides not enough power. Causing it to reboot. This might be very likely.
  • USB port broken (could be, but unlikely).
  • Conbee can be broken (DOA).

Perhaps you can try the conbee on another PC/ device to rule out a bit?

Full translation for these reason numbers :

        DeviceDisconnectFromMaster = 0,
        DeviceDisconnectNormal = 1,
        DeviceDisconnectNoPermisson = 2,
        DeviceDisconnectTimeout = 3,
        DeviceDisconnectIoError = 4,
        DeviceDisconnectBootloaderOnly = 5

The connection is made, at least briefly otherwise the firmware version couldn’t be queried.
Do you use an USB extension cable between ConBee III and PC? (highly recommended)

Next to USB extension cable, since this is an older firmware version and quite some bug fixes has been made with newer ones, I’d recommend to update the firmware first as described in wiki/Update-deCONZ-manually

A list of changes can be found at Firmware Changelog