DDF for Tuya 24G Radar Motion Sensor _TZE204_ztqnh5cg

Hi all,

I want to share my DDF for a Tuya Human Presence Sensor with 24GHz radar motion detektor.
Here’s the link to the product on aliexpress.

The radar motion detector works fine for me.

  "schema": "devcap1.schema.json",
  "manufacturername": "_TZE204_ztqnh5cg",
  "modelid": "TS0601",
  "vendor": "Tuya",
  "product": "Human Presence Detector 24GHz mmWave Radar(TS0601)",
  "sleeper": false,
  "status": "Gold",
  "path": "/devices/tuya/_TZE204_ztqnh5cg_mmwave_radar.json",
  "subdevices": [
      "type": "$TYPE_LIGHT_LEVEL_SENSOR",
      "restapi": "/sensors",
      "uuid": [
      "items": [
          "name": "attr/lastseen"
          "name": "attr/manufacturername"
          "name": "attr/modelid"
          "name": "attr/name"
          "name": "attr/swversion"
          "name": "attr/type"
          "name": "attr/uniqueid"
          "name": "config/on"
          "name": "config/reachable"
          "name": "config/tholddark",
          "default": 12000
          "name": "config/tholdoffset",
          "default": 7000
          "name": "state/dark",
          "default": false
          "name": "state/daylight",
          "default": false
          "name": "state/lastupdated"
          "name": "state/lightlevel",
          "default": 0
          "name": "state/lux",
          "description": "The current light intensity in Lux (max is 3000)",
          "read": {
            "fn": "none"
          "parse": {
            "dpid": 104,
            "fn": "tuya",
            "script": "../generic/illuminance_cluster/lux_to_lightlevel.js"
          "default": 0
      "type": "$TYPE_PRESENCE_SENSOR",
      "restapi": "/sensors",
      "uuid": [
      "items": [
          "name": "attr/id"
          "name": "attr/lastannounced"
          "name": "attr/lastseen"
          "name": "attr/manufacturername"
          "name": "attr/modelid"
          "name": "attr/name"
          "name": "attr/swversion"
          "name": "attr/type"
          "name": "attr/uniqueid"
          "name": "config/delay",
          "description": "Detection delay : target confirmation delay time in 10th of second (from 0 to 100). Default 0.1s",
          "read": {
            "fn": "none"
          "write": {
            "dpid": 101,
            "dt": "0x2b",
            "eval": "Item.val;",
            "fn": "tuya"
          "parse": {
            "dpid": 101,
            "eval": "Item.val = Attr.val;",
            "fn": "tuya"
          "default": 1
          "name": "config/fadingtime",
          "description": "Fading time : target disapperance delay time in second (from 0 to 15000). Default 90s",
          "read": {
            "fn": "none"
          "write": {
            "dpid": 102,
            "dt": "0x2b",
            "eval": "Item.val;",
            "fn": "tuya"
          "parse": {
            "dpid": 102,
            "eval": "Item.val = Attr.val;",
            "fn": "tuya"
          "default": 90
          "name": "config/on"
          "name": "config/reachable"
          "name": "config/sensitivity",
          "description": "Radar sensitivity (from 1 to 9). Default 5",
          "read": {
            "fn": "none"
          "write": {
            "dpid": 2,
            "dt": "0x2b",
            "eval": "Item.val;",
            "fn": "tuya"
          "parse": {
            "dpid": 2,
            "eval": "Item.val = Attr.val;",
            "fn": "tuya"
          "default": 7
          "name": "config/triggerdistance",
          "description": "Far detection sensitivity",
          "read": {
            "fn": "none"
          "write": {
            "dpid": 4,
            "dt": "0x2b",
            "eval": "Far = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10']; Attr.val = Math.max(0,Far.indexOf(Item.val)*100);",
            "fn": "tuya"
          "parse": {
            "dpid": 4,
            "eval": "Item.val = String(Attr.val/100);",
            "fn": "tuya"
          "default": "10"
          "name": "state/errorcode",
          "description": "Self check result code. \n0 = checking, 1 = check_success, 2 = check_failure, 3 = others, 4 = comm_fault, 5 = radar_fault",
          "read": {
            "fn": "none"
          "parse": {
            "dpid": 6,
            "eval": "Item.val = String(Attr.val);",
            "fn": "tuya"
          "default": "Unknown"
          "name": "state/lastupdated"
          "name": "state/presence",
          "read": {
            "fn": "tuya"
          "parse": {
            "dpid": 1,
            "eval": "Item.val = Attr.val;",
            "fn": "tuya"
          "default": false
          "name": "state/targetdistance",
          "description": "Distance from detected target in cm (from 0 to 1000).",
          "read": {
            "fn": "none"
          "parse": {
            "dpid": 9,
            "eval": "Item.val = Attr.val;",
            "fn": "tuya"
          "default": 0
  "bindings": [
      "bind": "unicast",
      "src.ep": 1,
      "cl": "0xEF00"

Hello, thx for it and the second DDF (on the other post), do you want to make a PR to submit officialy, I can explain how to do, or want I make it ?
Other thing, it’s a new complete DDF or this device is just a clone ? Because it’s possible to re-use an existing DDF to work with 2 devices, like

  "manufacturername": [
  "modelid": [
1 Like

Hello, your’re welcome.
I have no experience wir git PR’s. Much appreciated if you can give me an advise. Feel free if you like to do the PR.
Yes I have used ZY-M100_human_breathing_presence.json as template but I’m not sure if device is exactly the same. Potentially there are more datapoints available but I have not investigated on that. Had not the time to understand how to trace dpids works.

From Z2M, clones are only ‘_TZE204_qasjif9e’, ‘_TZE204_ztqnh5cg’, but they are using same dpid for thoses 2 devices, so for me we can group them.

                [1, 'presence', tuya.valueConverter.trueFalse1],
                [9, 'target_distance', tuya.valueConverter.divideBy100],
                [104, 'illuminance_lux', tuya.valueConverter.raw],
                [2, 'radar_sensitivity', tuya.valueConverter.raw],
                [102, 'fading_time', tuya.valueConverter.divideBy10],
                [101, 'detection_delay', tuya.valueConverter.divideBy10],

It’s as you want, it will take me 10mn to make the 2 PR, but if you make them yourself you will have them under your github name.
To make them, just try to edit the ZY-M100_human_breathing_presence.json to add your device, you will have a message saying you haven’t right, it will create a fork, make the correction and start the submit PR procedure.
But I m agress it’s harder if you have 2 PR to do, for that better to create 2 branch before, or you wil be forced to submit the 2 DDF in same time. But don’t worry all is reversible, nothing definitive.
Just tell me want you want to do.