Connection with Xiaomi Aqara H1 Wireless remote switch


I have recently bought Conbee III and Aqara H1 Wireless remote switch. I followed instructions to install deConz in my Ubuntu system, and to connect to my switch it said to go to Phoscon App. I went there and chose add new switch option. But in Xiaomi list there is no option for Aqara H1 Wireless remote. However, in one of the other forum here it stated that Aqara H1 WRS-R02 was added in the support of the Conbee III. Also I followed instructions to have beta version instead of normal. Yet I am unable to see option of my switch. I tried with other options which had double rocker in it. But it does not connect with my switch. Can you please guide me how can I connect my Conbee III with my switch.

Best regards

Try ads it as other :slight_smile: