ConbeeIII Setup in Proxmox LXC Container

I’ve been using a conbee II stick for years inside of an unprivileged Proxmox LXC-Container by passing the usb port to the container without problems. All the general and conbee II specific guides fail when it comes to pass the conbee III to an lxc container. You can find several discussions over the internet of people failing to use the conbee III with Proxmox LXC (of corse inside a Proxmox VM it is working), there seems to be not one report of success. The problem is always the same - people manage to get /dev/ttyUSB0 created inside the LXC Container, but neither GCFflasher nor deconz can use this device. With conbee II no problem.
I tried to dive into that problem for weeks and gave up. I think this is something that can only be solved by Dresden Elektronik (maybe Firmware- oder deconz-related changes needed).

The Information of the following guides was tried to adopt:

For further assistance in hunting these bug feel free to contact me.


@de_employees can you check and reply here?

Hi there,

You can’t simply use the Conbee 2 Guide for Proxmox LXC containers, as it employs different USB drivers for the Conbee 3.
You’ll need to replace all occurrences of /dev/ttyACM[ X ] with /dev/ttyUSB[ X ] in the guide.

However, this method has always been a bit unstable, as it relies on static USB enumeration.

Fortunately, there’s a better way to do this now. Proxmox offers a new GUI feature to pass-through devices to containers (starting proxmox 8.2).
Use this with the path /dev/ttyUSB[ X ].

For increased reliability:

Use the by-id path to always pass through the correct USB device. For example:


This avoids issues where a different USB device receives the handle /dev/ttyUSB0, potentially leading to problems later



Can you document this on the github wiki :)?

It’s quite a new feature, and I’m still looking for a definitive way to do it properly.

Container device passthrough is quite complex to break down. You need knowledge about Linux user groups, UIDs, GIDs, udev rules, drivers, file permissions, and so on.

But a tutorial is planned, once i find a way to breakdown this topic to a stable step-by-step.

Thanks for your replys to this topic.
So @Haerteleric you are successfully running an instance of Conbee III inside a Proxmox LXC? That would be very interesting because in multiple forums you can find people asking for help top set it up with Conbee III but no one with success. I’m aware that the instructions need to be adapted for Conbee III and I’m quite familiar with this. But if you are using a Conbee III with Proxmos LXC I have done something wrong. I will play around with the new feature in the Proxmox WebUI for device pass through and come back later with a more detailed error report if I fail again.

After investigating that topic quite further I’m convinced, there must also be some bugs in deConz. I passed the ConBee III into a Proxmox-LXC-Container using the new feature in Proxmox webUI. I used


and the Stick gets recognized inside the LXC-Container by GCFFlasher:

root@deconz:/opt/zigbee2mqtt# GCFFlasher_internal -l     
Path              | Serial      | Type
/dev/serial/by-id/usb-dresden_elektronik_ConBee_III_DE03189328-if00-port0| _DE03189328| ConBee_II

I don’t know why it is identified as ConBee_II.
I’m able to update the firmware form inside the LXC-Container:

root@deconz:~# GCFFlasher_internal -t 60 -d /dev/serial/by-id/usb-dresden_elektronik_ConBee_III_DE03189328-if00-port0 -f deCONZ_ConBeeIII_0x26510900.bin.GCF 
read file success: deCONZ_ConBeeIII_0x26510900.bin.GCF (181950 bytes)
flash firmware
query bootloader id V3
bootloader version 0x00010004, app crc 0x7ABA8D12
 100% uploading ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
done, wait (up to 20 seconds) for verification
app checksum 0x7ABA8D12 (OK)

Then I start a test instance of deconz in debug mode:

root@deconz:~# /usr/bin/deCONZ -platform minimal --dev=/dev/serial/by-id/usb-dresden_elektronik_ConBee_III_DE03189328-if00-port0  --http-port=8083 --dbg-aps=2 --dbg-info=2 --dbg-error=2

And then it produces

14:06:53:792 COM: use stable device path /dev/serial/by-id/usb-dresden_elektronik_ConBee_III_DE03189328-if00-port0
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyUSB0 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyS4 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyS0 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyS1 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyS10 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyS11 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyS12 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyS13 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyS14 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyS15 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyS16 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyS17 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyS18 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyS19 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyS2 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyS20 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyS21 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyS22 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyS23 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyS24 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyS25 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyS26 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:815 COM: /dev/ttyS27 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:816 COM: /dev/ttyS28 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:816 COM: /dev/ttyS29 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:816 COM: /dev/ttyS3 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:816 COM: /dev/ttyS30 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:816 COM: /dev/ttyS31 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:816 COM: /dev/ttyS5 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:816 COM: /dev/ttyS6 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:816 COM: /dev/ttyS7 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:816 COM: /dev/ttyS8 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:816 COM: /dev/ttyS9 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:53:816 COM: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-dresden_elektronik_ConBee_III_DE03189328-if00-port0 / serialno: , RaspBee
14:06:53:816 ZCLDB init file /root/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/zcldb.txt
14:06:53:822 void deCONZ::ZclDataBase::load(const QString&),3487: assertion 'val <= nt->max' failed
14:06:53:822 void deCONZ::ZclDataBase::load(const QString&),3487: assertion 'val <= nt->max' failed
14:06:53:822 void deCONZ::ZclDataBase::load(const QString&),3487: assertion 'val <= nt->max' failed
14:06:53:822 void deCONZ::ZclDataBase::load(const QString&),3487: assertion 'val <= nt->max' failed
14:06:53:822 void deCONZ::ZclDataBase::load(const QString&),3487: assertion 'val <= nt->max' failed
14:06:53:822 void deCONZ::ZclDataBase::load(const QString&),3487: assertion 'val <= nt->max' failed
14:06:53:825 void deCONZ::ZclDataBase::load(const QString&),3486: assertion 'val >= nt->min' failed
14:06:53:829 DDF enabled for Gold status
14:06:53:980 gw run mode: systemd/headless
14:06:53:980 GW sd-card image version file does not exist: /root/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/gw-version
14:06:53:980 DB sqlite version 3.42.0
14:06:53:981 DB PRAGMA page_count: 46
14:06:53:981 DB PRAGMA page_size: 4096
14:06:53:981 DB PRAGMA freelist_count: 0
14:06:53:981 DB file size 188416 bytes, free pages 0
14:06:53:981 DB PRAGMA user_version: 9
14:06:53:981 DB cleanup
14:06:53:981 DB create temporary views
14:06:53:981 DB view [0] created
14:06:53:981 DB view [1] created
14:06:53:981 DB view [2] created
14:06:53:981 DB view [3] created
14:06:53:981 sql exec SELECT apikey,devicetype,createdate,lastusedate,useragent FROM auth
14:06:53:981 sql exec SELECT key FROM config2
14:06:53:981 sql exec SELECT key,value FROM config2
14:06:53:981 Load config UTC: 2024-05-19T08:42:42 from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config announceinterval: 45 from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config announceurl: from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config apiversion: 2.26.3 from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config bridgeid: 0000000000000000 from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config datastoreversion: 93 from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config dhcp: true from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config disablePermitJoinAutoOff: false from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config discovery: false from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config factorynew: false from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config fwneedupdate: false from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config fwupdatestate: idle from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config fwversion: 0x00000000 from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config gateway: from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config group0: 65520 from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config groupdelay: 50 from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config gwpassword: $1$8282jdkm$HhPqvH1eNyqx3cYb7zAQP. from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config gwusername: delight from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config homebridge: not-managed from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config homebridge-pin:  from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config homebridgeupdate: false from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config homebridgeupdateversion:  from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config homebridgeversion:  from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config ipaddress: from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config lightlastseeninterval: 60 from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config linkbutton: false from db.
14:06:53:981 Load config localtime: 2024-05-19T08:42:42 from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config mac: 38:60:77:7c:53:18 from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config modelid: deCONZ from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config name: test-conbee3 from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config netmask: from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config networkopenduration: 180 from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config otauactive: false from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config otaustate: off from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config panid: 0 from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config permitjoin: 0 from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config permitjoinfull: 0 from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config port: 8083 from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config portalservices: false from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config proxyaddress: none from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config proxyport: 0 from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config rfconnect: 1 from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config rfconnected: false from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config rgbwdisplay: 1 from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config runmode: systemd/headless from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config starterkitid:  from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config swcommit: ce7f99e996f1ede1f14655535d37cd8c750eaa0a from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config swupdatestate: noupdates from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config swversion: 2.26.3 from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config system: other from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config timeformat: 24h from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config timezone:  from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config updatechannel: stable from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config uuid: 7288ac8f-4fa0-461b-bb85-874dd9d2604e from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config websocketnotifyall: true from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config websocketport: 443 from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config wifi: not-available from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config wifibackupname:  from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config wifibackuppw:  from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config wifibackuppwenc:  from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config wifichannel: 1 from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config wificlientname:  from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config wificlientpw:  from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config wifiip: from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config wifilastupdated: 0 from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config wifimgmt: 0 from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config wifiname:  from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config wifipageactive: false from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config wifipw:  from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config wifipwenc:  from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config wifitype: accesspoint from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config workingname:  from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config workingpw:  from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config workingpwenc:  from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config workingtype:  from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config zclvaluemaxage: 0 from db.
14:06:53:982 Load config zigbeechannel: 0 from db.
14:06:53:982 sql exec SELECT key,value FROM userparameter
14:06:53:982 sql exec SELECT * FROM groups
14:06:53:982 Sqlite group: gid = 0xFFF0
14:06:53:982 Sqlite group: name = All
14:06:53:982 Sqlite group: state = normal
14:06:53:982 Sqlite group: hidden = false
14:06:53:982 Sqlite group: type = LightGroup
14:06:53:982 Sqlite group: class = Other
14:06:53:982 DB found group All 0xFFF0
14:06:53:982 sql exec SELECT * FROM resourcelinks
14:06:53:982 sql exec SELECT * FROM scenes
14:06:53:982 sql exec SELECT * FROM rules
14:06:53:982 sql exec SELECT * FROM schedules
14:06:53:982 sql exec SELECT * FROM sensors
14:06:53:982 Sqlite sensors: sid = 1
14:06:53:982 Sqlite sensors: name = Daylight
14:06:53:982 Sqlite sensors: type = Daylight
14:06:53:982 Sqlite sensors: modelid = PHDL00
14:06:53:982 Sqlite sensors: manufacturername = Philips
14:06:53:982 Sqlite sensors: swversion = 1.0
14:06:53:982 Sqlite sensors: state = {"dark":false,"daylight":true,"lastupdated":"2024-06-17T13:42:05.802","status":170,"sunrise":"2024-06-17T03:14:41","sunset":"2024-06-17T19:52:05"}
14:06:53:982 Sqlite sensors: config = {"configured":true,"lat":"51.487500","long":"7.222700","on":true,"sunriseoffset":30,"sunsetoffset":-30}
14:06:53:982 Sqlite sensors: deletedState = normal
14:06:53:982 Sqlite sensors: mode = 1
14:06:53:982 DB found sensor Daylight 1
14:06:53:982 sql exec SELECT * FROM gateways
14:06:53:983 Daylight now: solarNoon, status: 170, daylight: 1, dark: 0
14:06:53:983 Started websocket server on, port: 443
14:06:53:983 [INFO] - Found file containing button maps. Parsing data...
14:06:53:986 [INFO] - Button maps loaded.
14:06:53:987 found node plugin: /usr/share/deCONZ/plugins/ - REST API Plugin
14:06:53:987 OTAU: image path does not exist: /root/otau
14:06:53:987 found node plugin: /usr/share/deCONZ/plugins/ - STD OTAU Plugin
14:06:53:000 dlg action: Read binding table
14:06:55:011 COM: /dev/ttyUSB0 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:011 COM: /dev/ttyS4 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:011 COM: /dev/ttyS0 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS1 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS10 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS11 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS12 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS13 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS14 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS15 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS16 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS17 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS18 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS19 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS2 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS20 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS21 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS22 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS23 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS24 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS25 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS26 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS27 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS28 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS29 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS3 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS30 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS31 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS5 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS6 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS7 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS8 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/ttyS9 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:06:55:012 COM: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-dresden_elektronik_ConBee_III_DE03189328-if00-port0 / serialno: , RaspBee
14:06:55:013 auto connect com /dev/serial/by-id/usb-dresden_elektronik_ConBee_III_DE03189328-if00-port0
14:06:55:034 UPNP socket not bound, state: 0
14:06:59:277 Announced to internet
14:07:02:092 DEV Tick.Init: booted after 8000 seconds
14:07:04:092 Daylight now: solarNoon, status: 170, daylight: 1, dark: 0
14:07:07:011 device disconnected reason: 1, device index: 0
14:07:07:092 wait reconnect 15 seconds
14:07:07:115 COM: /dev/ttyUSB0 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:115 COM: /dev/ttyS4 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:115 COM: /dev/ttyS0 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:115 COM: /dev/ttyS1 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:115 COM: /dev/ttyS10 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:115 COM: /dev/ttyS11 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:115 COM: /dev/ttyS12 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:115 COM: /dev/ttyS13 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:115 COM: /dev/ttyS14 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:115 COM: /dev/ttyS15 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:115 COM: /dev/ttyS16 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:115 COM: /dev/ttyS17 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:115 COM: /dev/ttyS18 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:115 COM: /dev/ttyS19 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:115 COM: /dev/ttyS2 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:115 COM: /dev/ttyS20 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:115 COM: /dev/ttyS21 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:115 COM: /dev/ttyS22 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:116 COM: /dev/ttyS23 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:116 COM: /dev/ttyS24 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:116 COM: /dev/ttyS25 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:116 COM: /dev/ttyS26 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:116 COM: /dev/ttyS27 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:116 COM: /dev/ttyS28 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:116 COM: /dev/ttyS29 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:116 COM: /dev/ttyS3 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:116 COM: /dev/ttyS30 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:116 COM: /dev/ttyS31 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:116 COM: /dev/ttyS5 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:116 COM: /dev/ttyS6 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:116 COM: /dev/ttyS7 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:116 COM: /dev/ttyS8 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:116 COM: /dev/ttyS9 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:07:116 COM: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-dresden_elektronik_ConBee_III_DE03189328-if00-port0 / serialno: , RaspBee
14:07:08:092 wait reconnect 14 seconds
14:07:09:091 wait reconnect 13 seconds
14:07:10:091 wait reconnect 12 seconds
14:07:11:091 wait reconnect 11 seconds
14:07:12:091 wait reconnect 10 seconds
14:07:13:091 wait reconnect 9 seconds
14:07:14:091 Daylight now: solarNoon, status: 170, daylight: 1, dark: 0
14:07:14:091 wait reconnect 8 seconds
14:07:14:091 networkState: CC_ReconnectNetwork
14:07:14:091 start reconnect to network
14:07:15:091 wait reconnect 7 seconds
14:07:16:091 wait reconnect 6 seconds
14:07:17:092 wait reconnect 5 seconds
14:07:18:092 wait reconnect 4 seconds
14:07:19:091 failed to reconnect to network try=1
14:07:19:091 wait reconnect 3 seconds
14:07:20:092 wait reconnect 2 seconds
14:07:21:091 wait reconnect 1 seconds
14:07:21:115 COM: /dev/ttyUSB0 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:115 COM: /dev/ttyS4 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:115 COM: /dev/ttyS0 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:115 COM: /dev/ttyS1 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:115 COM: /dev/ttyS10 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:115 COM: /dev/ttyS11 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:115 COM: /dev/ttyS12 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:115 COM: /dev/ttyS13 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:115 COM: /dev/ttyS14 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:115 COM: /dev/ttyS15 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:115 COM: /dev/ttyS16 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:115 COM: /dev/ttyS17 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:115 COM: /dev/ttyS18 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:115 COM: /dev/ttyS19 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:115 COM: /dev/ttyS2 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:115 COM: /dev/ttyS20 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:115 COM: /dev/ttyS21 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:115 COM: /dev/ttyS22 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:115 COM: /dev/ttyS23 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:115 COM: /dev/ttyS24 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:115 COM: /dev/ttyS25 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:116 COM: /dev/ttyS26 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:116 COM: /dev/ttyS27 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:116 COM: /dev/ttyS28 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:116 COM: /dev/ttyS29 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:116 COM: /dev/ttyS3 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:116 COM: /dev/ttyS30 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:116 COM: /dev/ttyS31 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:116 COM: /dev/ttyS5 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:116 COM: /dev/ttyS6 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:116 COM: /dev/ttyS7 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:116 COM: /dev/ttyS8 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:116 COM: /dev/ttyS9 :  :  (0x0000/0x0000)
14:07:21:116 COM: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-dresden_elektronik_ConBee_III_DE03189328-if00-port0 / serialno: , RaspBee
14:07:21:116 auto connect com /dev/serial/by-id/usb-dresden_elektronik_ConBee_III_DE03189328-if00-port0

When I log into the deconz webinterface, it shows the symbol for a RaspBee-Gateway and disconnected as status.
At the moment when trying this there is no other instance of deconz running inside my home network an no other zigbee-network.
I can use Zigbee2Mqtt inside the same lxc-container without a problem an pair some lights. (of course I’m not using Zigbee2Mqtt and deconz at the same time). So there must be something related to deconz!

@Haerteleric @Mimiix I’m willing to provide any information that is needed or do some betatesting in the future. I’m highly interested in sticking to deconz and not moving my 80 devices to zigbee2mqtt.

Intresting finds!

@Haerteleric or @manup can help best here :slight_smile:

You are missing the fixed baud rate option as device identification does not work inside a container Environment (udevadm related problem).

To start deCONZ inside a container with a CB3 connected, do:

$ /usr/bin/deCONZ -platform minimal --dev=[YOUR_PASSED_THROUGH_DEVICE_HANDLE] --http-port=[PORT] --baudrate=115200

For CB1/CB2 RB1/RB2, do:

$ /usr/bin/deCONZ -platform minimal --dev=[YOUR_PASSED_THROUGH_DEVICE_HANDLE] --http-port=[PORT]  --baudrate=38400

in your case:

= /dev/serial/by-id/usb-dresden_elektronik_ConBee_III_DE03189328-if00-port0

= 8083

To adjust the autostart Service:


sudo systemctl edit deconz

and change it to:

### Editing /etc/systemd/system/deconz.service.d/override.conf
### Anything between here and the comment below will become the contents of the drop-in file

ExecStart=/usr/bin/deCONZ -platform minimal --http-port=[PORT]  --dev=[YOUR_PASSED_THROUGH_DEVICE_HANDLE] --baudrate=[115200 / 38400]

### Edits below this comment will be discarded

### /usr/lib/systemd/system/deconz.service
# [Unit]
# Description=deCONZ: ZigBee gateway -- REST API
# Wants=deconz-init.service
# StartLimitIntervalSec=0
# [Service]
# User=1000
# ExecStart=/usr/bin/deCONZ -platform minimal --http-port=80
# Restart=on-failure
# RestartSec=30
# [Install]

To make it autostart as a service you can then:

sudo systemctl enable --now deconz

Thank you very much, adding the boudrate-flag did the trick. Maybe it would help some people, if you would add that hint in the official documentation on deCONZ command line parameters · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin Wiki · GitHub

Have a nice weekend!