I kept having random sensors lost at odd times. Finally, I was at home yesterday for a power loss. I just noticed that 7 of my 63 sensors were offline. Per Phoscon and Home Assistant data they all lost power roughly 26 hours ago which is when the power flashed. This requires me to delete those devices and re-add them in the Phoscon add-on for Home Assistant each time. This is getting quite annoying and cumbersome.
Of note, I have 3 wall outlet switches (similar to wemos) and 1 hardwired light switch that are connected to the Conbee. They can and do appear to act as hubs in the deCONZ add-on app diagram.
I am running the latest firmware from July 2024 - deCONZ_ConBeeIII_0x26530900.bin.GCF.
@Smanar sure so the power flash is pretty much instant on/off/on and so it would take a few seconds for the zigbee routers to reconnect to the conbee3 which is on a UPS and remains online.