Conbee III problem pairing Aqara sensors

i have to setup another zigbee network, so i would like to update my old configuration. Normally i used Conbee II with Raspberry os and aqara motion sensors RTCGQ11LM. That worked.
For the new setup i bought conbee III stick, raspberry os. The setup worked and i see in deconz the “coordinator” note. But if i try to pair the RTCGQ11LM sensor nothing happens.
Gateway Version deconz is: 2.28.1
Firmware is 26510900

I checked here: Index of /raspbian/stable/ so the gateway version is the newest.

I bought the deconz III in decembre so there is no release of deconz-firmware after this for the conbee III.

Any ideas?

Oha, plugged the phoscon stick in an usb-3 at the raspberry. Restartet again and know it works…