Weirdly after attempting a docker update for Home Assistant docker (going from 2024.4.3 to 2024.5.1) my Conbee 3 device died or is acting up. The device on Linux no longer is listed in Linux.
Some trouble shooting I tried:
Updating Linux (archlinux) and rebooting. No luck.
On Linux I tried various USB ports but no luck.
Tried pressing the reset button on the Conbee 3 15 seconds when plugged in to my Windows machine… but no luck there either.
When I plug my Conbee 3 into my Windows machine and startup Deconz it gives a weird device name on the dropdown like “Conbee 6&1F002AF7&0&2” and deconz refuses to connect. Even Phoscon doesn’t recongize the gateway.
Trying a firmware update using GCFFlasher 4.4.0 on Windows the com port gets listed but every attempt of updating fails. Tried on 2 Windows machines. On Linux the device refuses to show using GCFFlasher. Only another USB device. The output on both Windows machines (same goes for 0x26510900 firmware):
GCFFlasher -d COM6 -t 60 -f deCONZ_ConBeeIII_0x26500900.bin.GCF
read file success: deCONZ_ConBeeIII_0x26500900.bin.GCF (181198 bytes)
flash firmware
connect \.\COM6, baudrate 38400
command reset timeout
connect \.\COM6, baudrate 38400
query bootloader id V3
query bootloader id V3
query bootloader failed
retry: 55 seconds left
read file success: deCONZ_ConBeeIII_0x26500900.bin.GCF (181198 bytes)
flash firmware
command reset timeout
connect \.\COM6, baudrate 38400
query bootloader id V3
query bootloader id V3
query bootloader failed
retry: 50 seconds left
read file success: deCONZ_ConBeeIII_0x26500900.bin.GCF (181198 bytes)
flash firmware
command reset timeout
connect \.\COM6, baudrate 38400
query bootloader id V3
Any tips? Is my device probably dead? Cause it’s weird… I didn’t do anything strange to warant this behaviour.
The firmware on the device is 0x26500900. I bought it back in January. Has been running fine for since february with 0 problems.