Conbee 3 device dead?


Weirdly after attempting a docker update for Home Assistant docker (going from 2024.4.3 to 2024.5.1) my Conbee 3 device died or is acting up. The device on Linux no longer is listed in Linux.

Some trouble shooting I tried:
Updating Linux (archlinux) and rebooting. No luck.

On Linux I tried various USB ports but no luck.

Tried pressing the reset button on the Conbee 3 15 seconds when plugged in to my Windows machine… but no luck there either.

When I plug my Conbee 3 into my Windows machine and startup Deconz it gives a weird device name on the dropdown like “Conbee 6&1F002AF7&0&2” and deconz refuses to connect. Even Phoscon doesn’t recongize the gateway.

Trying a firmware update using GCFFlasher 4.4.0 on Windows the com port gets listed but every attempt of updating fails. Tried on 2 Windows machines. On Linux the device refuses to show using GCFFlasher. Only another USB device. The output on both Windows machines (same goes for 0x26510900 firmware):

GCFFlasher -d COM6 -t 60 -f deCONZ_ConBeeIII_0x26500900.bin.GCF
read file success: deCONZ_ConBeeIII_0x26500900.bin.GCF (181198 bytes)
flash firmware
connect \.\COM6, baudrate 38400
command reset timeout
connect \.\COM6, baudrate 38400
query bootloader id V3
query bootloader id V3
query bootloader failed
retry: 55 seconds left
read file success: deCONZ_ConBeeIII_0x26500900.bin.GCF (181198 bytes)
flash firmware
command reset timeout
connect \.\COM6, baudrate 38400
query bootloader id V3
query bootloader id V3
query bootloader failed
retry: 50 seconds left
read file success: deCONZ_ConBeeIII_0x26500900.bin.GCF (181198 bytes)
flash firmware
command reset timeout
connect \.\COM6, baudrate 38400
query bootloader id V3

Any tips? Is my device probably dead? Cause it’s weird… I didn’t do anything strange to warant this behaviour.
The firmware on the device is 0x26500900. I bought it back in January. Has been running fine for since february with 0 problems.

HI is the ConBee III listed on you Linux system?


should list it as 0403:6015 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd Bridge(I2C/SPI/UART/FIFO)

If this is the case I’d suggest we try the hard method to flash the firmware as described in

Hey @manup,

On Linux using lsusb I do indeed see it. I tried plugging it out and in. And I do see a device listed that’s new. However this is a new name I didn’t recognise. I added the new one to HA and it works…

The name it is listed under /dev/serial/by-id/ is usb-FTDI_FT232EX-if00-port0 but previously it was another id. no clue what happened there.

So the device isn’t dead.

Hi! Could you provide an update on your situation? We are monitoring an issue with the FTDI chips and it appears that your problem may be related to this.


So far everything seems to be running fine.