Following the update of the gateway in version 2.29.0, I have two LEGRAND devices that have different information.

This concerns Legrand wireless Remote switch 0 677 23

  1. These are the only devices that do not have a DDF

  2. the raw information is completely different.
    “modelid”: “Remote switch”,
    “modelid”: “Remote switch”, & “modelid”: “PHOSCON_FSM_FLAG”, :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


The good news is that everything works correctly.

But it is still strange

Hello, there is a mistake.
Device id=35 and id = 42 are a real device.
Device id = 82 and id = 83 are virtual device, created by phoscon.

On my side I don’t use Phoscon so I don’t have them, and Jeedom too don’t create them, only Phoscon for it’s “magic”

And yes, thoses device are old, so still managed by legacy code, no DDF.


Justement, Jeedom à créé un équipement CLIP-Sensor PUSHDIM-TOOGLE

    "83": {
        "config": {
            "on": true,
            "reachable": true
        "etag": "7fc8e32b1e05fff8e1e9b83818b43e8d",
        "manufacturername": "Phoscon",
        "modelid": "PHOSCON_FSM_FLAG",
        "name": "CLIP-Sensor PUSHDIM-TOOGLE",
        "state": {
            "flag": false,
            "lastupdated": "2024-10-18T16:14:16.191"
        "swversion": "1.0",
        "type": "CLIPGenericFlag",
        "uniqueid": "00:04:74:00:00:c5:41:02-01-0006-pushdim-toogle-58-Sun Apr 02 2023 15:32:03 GMT+0200 (heure d\u2019\u00e9t\u00e9 d\u2019Europe centrale)"

J’ai supprimé l’équipement Legrand de Phoscon et dans Deconz.
J’ai réinitialisé l’équipement Legrand et fait une inclusion avec Phoscon.

L’équipement est maintenant reconnu correctement.

I don’t think this device is from Jeedom, I have never see this plugin creating this kind of entry, but Phsocon create a lot.
And I don’t know how to delete them without using the API, hoping for Phoscon don’t forget it.

If you have jeedom, better to don’t use Phoscon, except for “take a look” or enable the pairing. Jeedom is more advanced and more controllable

Good morning,

Finally, the problem is still present.

I deleted my Legrand equipment from Deconz

The Legrand equipment has been removed.

He disappeared from Phoscon and Deconz GUI

However, the PHOSCON_FSM_FLAG equipment is still present in the database.

    "83": {
        "config": {
            "on": true,
            "reachable": true
        "etag": "2c1291ac5f5c0f24570110f6325e3a80",
        "manufacturername": "Phoscon",
        "modelid": "PHOSCON_FSM_FLAG",
        "name": "CLIP-Sensor PUSHDIM-TOOGLE",
        "state": {
            "flag": false,
            "lastupdated": "2024-10-20T18:11:49.698"
        "swversion": "1.0",
        "type": "CLIPGenericFlag",
        "uniqueid": "00:04:74:00:00:c5:41:02-01-0006-pushdim-toogle-58-Sun Apr 02 2023 15:32:03 GMT+0200 (heure d\u2019\u00e9t\u00e9 d\u2019Europe centrale)"

Please speak English

But you are using too Phoscon ? For exemple to make scenario ?
And what is this “uniqueID”, seriously it’s something normal on phoscon ?

"lastupdated": "2024-10-20T18:11:49.698"

Or it’s the previous one that have not been deleted ?

Jeedom don’t permit to delete device entry in API ? else no other choice playing randomly with Phoscon or use direclty API request.

With curl

curl -X DELETE http://IP:PORT/api/KEY/sensors/83

PORT and IP and the same used to access Phoscon, KEY is an APIKEY

I used REST API to delete from database. It’s good

Why should I not use Phoscon?
it allows to add or remove equipment
to rename equipment
With a nice graphical interface

what should I use?

No, there is no problem for that, I m using it too for that.
The problem is it’s scenario/automation, for them better to use direclty Jeedom, you will have more control, Phoscon is just a third app like jeedom itself for users that don’t have other third app.
Jeedom make his magic only on it, Phoscon make his magic direclty on the API (like your virtual sensor), so it have an impact on jeedom too and not so easy to understand.