Challenges with Syncing New Devices in the Phoscon App


I’ve been using the Phoscon app and deCONZ for a while, but recently I’ve encountered difficulties when trying to sync new smart devices to my system. Although the app recognizes the devices in the pairing mode, it often fails to complete the sync process, leaving them stuck in an “unsynced” state. I’ve tried restarting the app and resetting the devices multiple times, but the issue persists. :upside_down_face:

Has anyone else faced similar problems with device synchronization in the Phoscon app? I’ve ensured that both my gateway and app are updated to the latest versions, but the sync process remains unreliable. It’s becoming frustrating, especially when adding new lights or sensors to expand my setup. :thinking: I have checked Phoscon App MongoDB documentation guide but still need help.

I would appreciate any troubleshooting advice or suggestions for resolving this issue, or if there’s an underlying bug that the development team is aware of. Looking forward to hearing from others in the community who might have faced this or know a solution. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you ! :slightly_smiling_face:

Have you tried a restart? Probably …
It could be noise interference if it affects all devices.
What platform are you on?
I have found I need the Conbee to be on a powered USB HUB, but others have success with just an extension cable. This is especially true for Rpi systems.

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