Can't get power monitoring on Aqara smart plug

I’ve got a aqara smart plug with energy monitoring, in theory. it shows up as plug.lumi.maus01
I’m using a conbee ii with deconz in docker on a synology NAS.

I saw this issue:

and this one, which I now am not totally sure is the same plug:

so I’ve tried redoing the pairing process a few times, with and without loads plugged in. It shows up in home assistant, as either unavailable, or with a constant 9W, which matches the light that was plugged in, but could be a coincidence because its still -1W for one sensor and 9W for the other when its plugged into a mini fridge, or a laptop.
The users in those threads recommend editing the binding settings, but the screengrabs they have don’t quite look like mine.

I’m comfortable fiddling with the settings, but I haven’t had to do it before. What all should I try to edit to see if I got a dud plug? If I did, can anyone recommend a decent plug with energy monitoring? The only one I found was the sinopé model that has a pull request open, but seems to have been stalled for awhile.

so turns out its…slightly weirder

this entity seems to get updated when I switch the plug, and every few minutes, then drops back to unavailable. the data also seems to persist when I delete the plug in deconz and re-add it.

apologies for triple posting here, but I can’t add more than one image to a post

the analog input (02) updates relatively quickly after I switch the light, so that’s kind of a relief. Does anyone have an idea of where to look to get that data to show up in home assistant?

And you are not alone, I have found some more issue about this bug

On the last one you have a SwoopX comment about the used cluster, it s probably a manufacture cluster.

And some plug don’t support it

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well its good to know I am not alone and not crazy. I think I’ll just pick up a wifi-based EM plug, I wonder if zigbee just doesn’t properly support this, there seems to be trouble with every EM device on every platform.

I don’t have any issues with the shp13 and 15

I bought an Aqara smart plug today (SP-EUC01). I have a similar problem.
Both the KWH and W sensor somewhat work, but it only updates every ~5 minutes, and it just register the power for a moment, befor reverting to 0. I hope this can get fixed, as far as i understand, it is working in Z2MQTT, but I really dont feel like switching and readding all my devices just for one plug that might work.

Seems like theres already a bug report open:

Can somebody please check if this has been resolved with version 2.14.0 beta?

Doesn’t look like it was fixed :frowning:

Ok, so the stable 2.14.1 comes with a DDF included and on GH there’s already confirmation that it’s working with it.

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hell yeah

Any news on this front?
Anyone created a working DDF template?

some data randomly gets to HA…

12:16:28:394 0x54EF4410003145CC extract Xiaomi special attribute 0x00F7
12:16:28:395 64 on/off 1
12:16:28:395 03 Device temperature 25 °C
12:16:28:395 98 power 229.992004 (230)
12:16:28:395 95 consumption 0.601922 (602)
12:16:28:396 96 voltage 2470.000000 (247)
12:16:28:396 97 current 931.141724 (931)
12:16:28:396 05 RSSI dB (?) 3 (0x0003)
12:16:28:396 9a unknown 0 (0x00)
12:16:28:397 08 unknown 288 (0x0120)
12:16:28:397 09 unknown 5376 (0x1500)
12:16:28:397 0b unknown 0 (0x00)
12:16:28:397 9b Consumer connected (yes/no) 1
12:16:28:398 0f unknown 3414753280 (0xCB890000)

however isnt working well for moment …

Running latest deconz and 2.14.01 firmware

Is there an update on this issue?

I have the same problem. I’m using CONBEE II v2.17.01 and when I add an AQARA SMART PLUGIN I don’t get power sensors anymore.

I have an exact same device that was connected some time ago (with older deconz sw version) which works fine.

When looking at the devices using VNC the one that works shows the following cluster info:

0702 Simple Metering
0B05 Electrical Measurement

The newly added device doesn’t show these two clusters, but it shows:

FCC0 Lumi speficic

It seems deconz doesn’t identify the measurement capablities…can this be a problem with the latest software?

Any help is appreciated!

I’ll re-open that one and continue there please. Yours is not the same as the OP’s.

I’d be happy to do that but are you sure? That one is about the sensor becoming unavailable…in my case that is not the problem, the old plug still reports fine…it’s just that a new plug doesn’t show the power monitoring data…

So to me the subject of this item “Can’t get power monitoring on Aqara smart plug” describes the problem better.

What do you think?

Or maybe report it as a new problem?

OP has maus01
You have maeu01 (model identifier :wink:

The problem is mostly that it is not reporting a lot, that’s why it probably is unavailable.

Aha…I see…I’ll add my comment from above to that call and hope it gets picked up.

The strange thing is that both devices are exactly the same type and version but deconz doesn’t see the capabilities of the last one added.

I dare not remove/add the one that works for fear of it also loosing the power-meter capability…