I am trying to connect my conbee II stick to homeassitant. However I am facing the issue that I guet the error couldn’t get API key.
Previously this was working fine but suddenly the integration highlighted it cannot connect to the gateway under the correct URL.
I have tried to access the URL below to check whether I can access the deconz api via the webbrowser:
When I do this I get the following error:
[{“error”:{“address”:"/",“description”:“unauthorized user”,“type”:1}}]
I have tried this with allowing phoscon to connect to a new app and without. However I am always getting this error and I am not sure how to resolve this.
At the same time I am not sure how I would be able to specify a user!?
I would be very grateful if someone could help me to resolve this issue pointing me in the right direction and get homeassistant up and running with deconz again.
thanks for your help and your hint that already helps me.
I think I am getting closerr to solve my issue.
Correct I am trying to add the deconz integration to Homeassistant.
previously this was working fine without any issue. However it suddenly stopped working and Homeassistant cannot connect to the gateway anymore. Hence I am setting up the integration once more, but Homeassistant cannot retrive the apit key.
I made the curl request as suggested by you when the gateway is unlocked (authenticate app pressed). this seems to fail with the following error:
running the command in postman gives the following error:
“error”: {
“address”: “/”,
“description”: “body contains invalid JSON”,
“type”: 2
using command prompt:
[{“error”:{“address”:"/",“description”:“body contains invalid JSON”,“type”:2}}]curl: (3) unmatched close brace/bracket in URL position 8:
Hey Hfink,
I have the same problem. The API-Key is there but I have no idea how to use it to connect it with my HA. In the log the only error is “discovery network reply error: Host phoscon.de not found” Is this a problem?
And did you find out something in the meantime?
I think you might have another issue.
Usually Home Assistant is retrieving the api key automatically. I have no idea why this wasn’t working for me, but luckily it’s back up and running.
When setting up the deconz integration in home assistant you must specify the following:
Host: 192.168.xxx.xxx.xx - IP Adress of the deconz gateway.
Port: xxxx
You can find both of these information when you are accessing the Phoscon app via a browser.
On your side it’s a discovery issue.
Deconz connect itself to an external adresse phoscon.de, and this url is used later by apps, can take a look youself here https://phoscon.de/discover
The host can be OOF when you have done the request or can be a firewall rule.
It’s not a problem, some users disable this feature, but some setting will be not automatic (like the deconz API IP), and need to be done manualy without it.