No all is invisible it’s just a zigbee setting that need to NOT be done.
But the battery leak is fast, visible on battery level, I think 24h is enought to check.
The LEDs flashing still. Whether the period has changed I can not say. The battery is transmitted as 0% but the switch still works normally.
He is still flashing ?
Have you tried to play with battery ?
It seems to work fine after I switched the batteries. But my batteries themselves were brand new.
Yes they are still flashing. Do you think the flashing is a battery warning? That would mean when this is empty and I install a new battery it no longer happens.
It’s possible, some device blink when battery are low, but it’s suicide for the device ^^, there is nothing on the manual about that ?
The user manual does not provide any information about this. Unfortunately, it is very spartan.
The battery has now been replaced after it went flat. The battery charge indicator has remained at 0%.
Should I have deleted the DDF file you created?
If you are using this one Batterie Problem - #32 by Smanar or an official one, no.
You can miss the battery level (can use the GUI to see it) but the battery leak need to be solved with it.
Remember the battery level need time to appear.
The device is still flashing ?