AQARA Temperature and Humidity Sensor T1 - Wrong Icon and Pressure Measurement

Hi guys,

I have originally reported against deconz here: AQARA Temperature and Humidity Sensor T1 - Wrong Icon and Pressure Measurement · Issue #7289 · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin · GitHub but looks like this is actually a problem with phoscon web app.

I have two AQARA Multi sensors, old one, and new T1 one, old working great, and new one recently integrated into deconz.

The T1 is reported using wrong icon, and for some reason reports wrong atmospheric pressure despite having correct value read out in deconz…

Please let me know if you need more details.

I’m having the exact same issue

It is also reported incorrectly to my home assistant (via rest api).
Also seems to be intermittent issue, somtimes it works corrctly: