Aqara Smart plug showing different entities

I did buy this week 3 (the same) Aqara smart plugs. model sp-euC01
Alle 3 of them show up in Phoscon app as plug product “lumi.plug.maeu01”
However the entities available in Home Assistent (2025.1.0) are different.
Taking a look in deCONZ graphical windows it shows for 1 of them in the details next to Basic (39), Device Temperature Confiuration(9) and identity(1) also Alarms (1), Simple Metering (13) and Electrical Metering (127).
However the other 2 do not show these entities, as such I assume H.A. is not able to catch these entity values.

How can ?

Are 3 plugs can be reached, switched on/off using H.A. so end2end there is a kind of control, but supply the power consumption actual (Watt) and consumed (kWh) it lakes 2 out of 3.

What to do / what to correct ?

n.b. The DDE shows status for this is “draft” is this what makes it that unpredictable?

You have surely different model, if the DDF have draft status it mean the DDF is not used.
The official DDF check for preset endpoint

  "comment": "DDF for device firmwares at least above 0.0.0_0022, paired with xBee I fw 0x26400500 / xBee II fw 0x266f0700 and above",
  "matchexpr": "(R.endpoints.indexOf(0x15) !== -1) && (R.endpoints.indexOf(0x1F) !== -1);",

Perhaps Xiaomi smart plugs not working correctly · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin Wiki · GitHub

This is how it looks like on to of the devices:
The draft comes from:

All three of them look this way. Look simular as the example in the referenced link above. Or is there indeed something missing - where can i check this/find this?

As such does this indeed need a manual action - this will not automatic update one way or another?

In practise: all new devices need a manually update of the DDF when they’re created. Sofar I could stay far away from manually updates as all come in via the ux update processes:

In H.A. these three look as entities delivered all different - look at the sensors delivered all different and also the integrations. Two show a firmware the third nothing, not even Lumi.plug.maeu01

You are sure you have not saved the DDF on your capture, the draft ? (and this one bypass the official one)
Because the official DDF need to work, it just check for endpoint 0x15 and 0x1F and you have them.
Can try to re-include them without deleting them, but deconz need to pick the official DDF deconz-rest-plugin/devices/xiaomi/xiaomi_sp-euc01_smart_plug.json at master · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin · GitHub

I tried Xiaomi smart plugs not working correctly · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin Wiki · GitHub.

But the otau file field never gets loaded.
I’ve no idea how to replace the draft DDF file the official one. If i download the link above i receive a Json which is not a DDF with the load proces can handle.
The viewer i showed above [preview] can not update so i’m locked.
I’m pretty sure i’ve not replaced an official with draft as i can not manage that - no idea how it could ever be done.
I deleted all smart switches. I relinked them and same problem - DDF is draft on all three of them while two out of them show metering and the other not.
All show the same draft DDF.

If there is a clue somewhere how to get the JSON from above link loaded I would give it a try.
Load menu shows a filter of *.zigbee, *.ota.signed *.ota *.fw2 *.sbl-ota so no clue of a Json how to load which the format of above link. How to make a DDF from a downloaded json ?

According the picture, you have the good firmware on the one you are testing (have the good endpoint)
Nothing to do with DDF, the good one is native on recent version.

When you are on the editor, with the DDF open, there is a path and a file name ?
Try to manual load the DDF.