Aqara powersocket consumption issues

I recently upgraded the deconz addon (v. 6.16.0 → deCONZ 2.18.2) in Homeassistant resulting in some special results:

Device: lumi.plug.maeu01

Just after Updating the current powerdraw had a multiplicity of 10. There my tumble dryer consumed massive ~6000 Wh :smiley:

I found a report about Xiaomi power sockets resulting in strange behaviour and it is recommend to update the firmware and repair the device. (Xiaomi smart plugs not working correctly · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin Wiki · GitHub)

After upgrading to the new firmware I have several new issues but the “multiplicity” issue being fixed.

New issues:

  1. Missing “consumption” entity in Homeassistant. Only having a switch, temp- and power-sensor.
  2. Power sensor not updated correctly.

It seems that the power state is not kept correcty. The entity only showing spikes from where the socket sends an package with die current consumption. The “0x54EF441000431249 extract Xiaomi special attribute 0x00F7” relates just to one spike. The next log is a new spike:

What did I tried?:

  1. restart socket (cut power wait some minutes)
  2. delete node, re-pair (2x)
  3. Restart Addon

Anyone having some new Ideas?

Addon Logs:

15:35:16:204 ZCL attribute report 0x54EF441000431249 for cluster: 0x000C, ep: 0x15, frame control: 0x1C, mfcode: 0x115F
15:35:22:824 0x54EF441000431249 extract Xiaomi special attribute 0x00F7
15:35:22:825 64 on/off 1
15:35:22:825 03 Device temperature 27 °C
15:35:22:825 98 power 253.050003 (253)
15:35:22:826 95 consumption 0.571267 (571)
15:35:22:826 96 voltage 2280.000000 (228)
15:35:22:827 97 current 1109.868408 (1110)
15:35:22:828 05 RSSI dB (?) 2 (0x0002)
15:35:22:828 9a unknown 0 (0x00)
15:35:22:828 08 unknown 297 (0x0129)
15:35:22:829 09 unknown 2049 (0x0801)
15:35:22:829 0b unknown 0 (0x00)
15:35:22:830 9b Consumer connected (yes/no) 1
15:35:22:830 0a Parent NWK 0 (0x0000)
15:35:22:831 0c unknown 1 (0x01)
15:35:22:831 ZCL attribute report 0x54EF441000431249 for cluster: 0xFCC0, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x1C, mfcode: 0x115F
15:35:23:315 Device TTL 6419 s flags: 0x7
15:35:26:367 ZCL attribute report 0x54EF441000431249 for cluster: 0x000C, ep: 0x15, frame control: 0x1C, mfcode: 0x115F
15:35:36:551 ZCL attribute report 0x54EF441000431249 for cluster: 0x000C, ep: 0x15, frame control: 0x1C, mfcode: 0x115F

I have some Debug logs: I think that parts may be relevant:

After a few ms. There is another Update but the “extract Xiaomi special attribute” part is missing:

Have you deleted the node as described in the wiki article? Debug data you share implies that sensors are still used which should have been removed and also that the DDF is not being used.

Yepp, tried it several times, several ways. Right click detele. With/without restart of deconz. Removed orphaned entities from home Assistant (Service). Repaired… Everytime same result.

It seems to be related to the new firmware since restoring a backup with old deconz version results in the same behavior after reset re-pair.:confused:

After a night of sleep, I did another circle of “delete, reset and re-pair”. I at least got the “consumption” entity back to home assistant. But unforutnately it got the same Outputpattern:

I also updated to this OTA release mentioned in that article and seeing the same charts as above. Is there a way to go back to the original OTA or an older one? Can’t seem to find them

Had no success in going back to the old ota version. There are some posts from zigbee2mqtt having also problems with this version but at least they have a way back: Xiaomi Aqara Plug (SP-EUC01/lumi.plug.maeu01) Toggles without reason · Issue #13903 · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt · GitHub

I only updated to that firmware because it was recommendet by deCONZ… For me it seems now that I am having a “partially bricked” device and no solution nor, at my opinion, much interest to take a look at this problems. And that where I am not the only one with this issue.

The last update not only had this issue. Also my ikea lamps just being in an update loop like here mentioned from others:

Currently I am struggling what to do. On the one hand my current system kinda “works” on the other hand it seems for me to be not reliable. I think I am waiting a little bit more to see where things will end. I mean… I am not using a beta Version but it feels like one, normally I do not like running on outdated or old versions I like to keep my things up to date… But next time I will definitely wait and track github for issues before updating (Well or switching completely to ZHA/Zigbee2MQTT)