API error unauthorized user?

I have 2.29 running on Windows 10 with a Conbee II. I’m seeing these periodic errors in the Debug View:

“API error 1, /lights, unauthorized user”


“API error 101, /, link button not pressed”

There’s nothing else on these lines besides a timestamp. Lines before the ‘unauthorized user’ indicate Websocket requests coming in from the Android app on my phone. But it also appears from the IP address of the deconz itself. The ‘link button’ error only seems to happen when the android app is running.

I realize there are always going to be bogus messages in logs, but given my recent problems with RF interference I’m paying a bit more attention to what’s being logged.

And nothing comes up in the debug view when the ERROR or ERROR_L2 boxes are checked.

Try enabling flag “http” you will see http request (REST and Websocket)