AM43 Tuya Zigbee Drive Battery

Hello, I have the subject devices and they work fine except the battery shows no status.
Can this be fixed?


**************************** Object info *****************************
“config”: {
“on”: true,
“reachable”: true
“ep”: 1,
“etag”: “a580d4e34406724c8c8873e639e37aad”,
“lastannounced”: null,
“lastseen”: “2023-03-09T12:12Z”,
“manufacturername”: “_TZE200_zah67ekd”,
“modelid”: “TS0601”,
“name”: “Right Blind Battery”,
“state”: {
“battery”: null,
“lastupdated”: “none”
“type”: “ZHABattery”,
“uniqueid”: “cc:86:ec:ff:fe:fe:34:c8-01-ef00”
************************* End Object info ***************************

Window covering device

**************************** Object info *****************************
“capabilities”: {
“alerts”: [
“config”: {
“groups”: [
“etag”: “e6d0199f258d77fee69bc2e4491d47a8”,
“hascolor”: false,
“lastannounced”: null,
“lastseen”: “2023-03-09T00:26Z”,
“manufacturername”: “_TZE200_zah67ekd”,
“modelid”: “TS0601”,
“name”: “Smart plug 7”,
“productid”: “Tuya_COVD AM43-0.45-40”,
“state”: {
“alert”: “none”,
“bri”: 254,
“lift”: 100,
“on”: true,
“open”: false,
“reachable”: true
“swversion”: null,
“type”: “Window covering device”,
“uniqueid”: “cc:86:ec:ff:fe:fe:34:c8-01”
************************* End Object info ***************************