I have a big issue with my aqara mini button.
It seems there is an all off assignment which I can’t find anymore.
So unfortunately it’s switching off my sockets which shouldn’t be off.
Another issue is, I have one hue bulb which turns on randomly where I can’t find the trigger event. How can I investigate this?
It seems I have some orphaned actions, items, assignments,… Is there an easy way to clean the configuration? Can I delete something in the backend?
1- wich one ? the WXKG12LM ? if you can share the model id ? From my memory some of them haven’t the group cluster. And other need special magic at inclusion, but strange you have only the “off” and not the “on”. Can try to remove it and re-include it (there is some magic done during the inclusion)
3- in Phoscon/help/API information you will be able to see software group and rules, but there is too hardware settings, that can be reset with reseting the device. But need first to remove the software part, because a watchdog can set it again.
To remove them, I think all is possible using phoscon, else direclty using the API.
It’s the WXKG11LM model. My intention was to use it as all off button, so maybe there is an assignment I can’t see in Phoscon app (due to last updates), as it only turns off and not on. I’ve deleted and resetted the button, without solving the issue. Update: These are the rules where all off is triggered with this button. How do I get the origin? Group 0 is not available.
I dont use phoscon on my side.
IDK what you are calling “command” but yes, for me rules can be deleted without problem, it’s purely software Rules - deCONZ REST-API but in a perfect world, they can be removed using phoscon.
If you don’t want to use third app, perhaps the android application “hue essential” have more features than phoscon ?
So as I can see the Rule is dedicated to a group with ID “0”, I don’t see this group through phoscon app. Can I delete this group as well?
I have hue essential app as well, but it seems the automation and configuration is a little bit destroying phoscon app. So i just use it to control lights.
Can try with browser to see all groups http://IP:PORT/api/API_KEY/groups
IP and PORT are the same used for phoscon.
It’s visible too in phoscon/help/API Information
If you can’t delete it using phoscon can use direclty the API.
For me it can’t break deconz, can make a backup before to be sure.
If the group is “special” and can’t be deleted you will have an error message after the command.
On my side, nothing in “rules” and no groups/0 too, and deconz is working.