After DDF modification got duplicate clusters with 0xff endpoint

I undestand, and it’s not a problem when the device is in integration/test of a new/modified DDF. But when the device is already used by some automation it could be a challenge that we don’t have a way to just delete a sensor with -FF endpoint for instance.

My comment was not a working mode ^^.
There is clearly a problem (and a mystery) for me too.

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Another occurrence of it : Fix extra config/battery for ts0202 devices by Monofin · Pull Request #6599 · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin · GitHub

Another occurence : Tuya Soil Sensor · Issue #6731 · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin · GitHub and this one had never been picked up by legacy code before having DDF.

Ha yes righ, it’s a temperature sensor, and end device, so without the DDF it could not be included before the DDF installation.

@manup @de_employees

Another case of FF endpoint : LiXee ZLinky_TIC DDF File

Got another one, for a no more existing sensor :

    "32": {
        "config": {
            "on": true,
            "reachable": false
        "etag": "523ca834cfae0bd9ea79d5d7b44e7538",
        "lastannounced": null,
        "lastseen": "2023-02-17T03:00Z",
        "manufacturername": "sengled",
        "modelid": "E1C-NB7",
        "name": "Puissance ventilo projecteur",
        "state": {
            "current": 0,
            "lastupdated": "2023-02-17T03:01:00.106",
            "power": 0,
            "voltage": 0
        "swversion": "0.1.10",
        "type": "ZHAPower",
        "uniqueid": "b0:ce:18:14:03:6b:cf:99-ff-0b04"

And that is still in DB (only into sensors table) with


It’s your network ?
Let me guess, you have a bind for the cluster 0x0b04 in the bind table and not device in the DDF core ?

Ye it is. And it’s quite the opposite deconz-rest-plugin/devices/sengled/e1c-nb7.json at master · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin · GitHub

0x0b04 in core DDF but no bind ! Uneeded because this cluster is unused in core, because it doesn’t exist in the device

And a device that have been deleted for a while …

And it have added power+current+tension that are not present in the DDF …