Add device with "bronze" or individual DDF without deconz gui?

Hello everyboy,

I am running a rasperry pi with openhab system and I am struggling getting X to work since months. That means I currently have no chance to get the deconz gui working, neither on the device itself, nor by vnc connection.

For today, I’d like to add a device (a “frient keypad”), which needs an own and/or a bronze ddf file.
I testet the behaviour with deconz-gui on my windows computer and the device was sucessfully linked to the DDF file.

Is there any possibility to achieve the same on my rasperry but without the gui?

Thank you very much,

Download the file, change the status to gold and put it in the folder on your raspberry pi: DDF cheat sheet · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin Wiki · GitHub

Thanks Jan,
that was kind of the way I hoped to deal with. Will give it a try later.

thanks for your short confirmation!

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Hmm I can’t successfully join the device. There’s probably no alternative to the GUI to check if the device recognized and linked to the ddf file?

I put the file into the devices folder and tried joining over the phoscon Web app (searching for new devices…). Seems like without the GUI, further analysis is difficult?

Do you know if settings from the deconz GUI are also part of the backup file I can create over the phoscon Web app?

Hello, do you have acces to the GUI or not ?

I put the file into the devices folder and tried joining over the phoscon Web app (searching for new devices…). Seems like without the GUI, further analysis is difficult?

Try restarting deconz, deconz scan folder at start, so if the file was added after, missed.

You are sure your device ahve good modelID/manufacture name ?

Hi everybody,

thanks again, also @Smanar!

I made some progress now. 1st my Xorg desktop is working finally with vnc, 2nd I was able to start deconz-gui and 3rd, the frient keypad device is visible and connected now.

1st milestone reached.
Now I’ll try to play a little bit with the REST API. Never did that, so there might be questions arising.

There’s a good youtube video, but in danish language regarding the frient keypad. Will give it try now!


Unfortunately not ^^.
But this one is not so bad to start Getting Started - deCONZ REST-API

You will probably need this one, less friendly, specific to the alarm system Alarm Systems - deCONZ REST-API

IDK for Openhab but some third app have a support for the alarm system.

Please note that adding a DDF to whatever location always requires a deconz restart for it to be considered.