Namron Zigbee Termostat problems with temp. setting on version 2.21.2

IDK, there is so much ^^.
What is the previous working version ?

You can try overwrite totaly the legacy code, with replacing on the DDF (the generic config_heatsetpoint_item.json file haven’t part for “write” part)

          "name": "config/heatsetpoint",
          "default": 0


          "name": "config/heatsetpoint",
          "parse": {"fn": "zcl", "at": "0x0012", "cl": "0x0201", "ep": 1, "eval": "Item.val = Attr.val;"},
          "write": {"fn": "zcl", "at": "0x0012", "cl": "0x0201", "ep": 1, "dt": "0x29", "eval": "Item.val;"},
          "read": { "fn": "zcl" ,"at": "0x0012", "cl": "0x0201", "ep": 1}

And BTW this device don’t have bind for the heatpoint attribute.

          "at": "0x0012",
          "dt": "0x29",
          "min": 1,
          "max": 300,
          "change": "0x00000001"