Namron Thermostat Touch Zigbee 16A


I have problems getting my new Namron Thermostat appear in Phoscon. I saw somewhere else that it has been added already but after numerous tries with reading descriptors while connecting it is still not available also not in Home Assistant. In contrast if I use ZHA instead of phoscon it appears in Home Assistant.
I would like to stay with Phoscon. t would be great if you could help me there

+1! I have tried everything, but it will not connect normally. Might need a DDF

Check the link to github. There you find the ddf. It’s working.

DDF is implemented, and working :slight_smile:
Just a quick note: if you want floor temp instead of room temp, you manually have to edit the DDF:


I have a similar problem with the newest Namron Thermostat Touch Zigbee 16A 2.0. It is not discovered by phoschon/deCONZ. I am running home assistant OS on raspberry pi4 with a Raspbee2 gateway. Going into /usr/share/deCONZ/devices/namron I see 4512737_thermostat.json that supports modelid 4512737 and 4512738 ( The namron thermostats I recently purchased are quite new and have modelid 4512752 ( I attempted to create a copy of 4512737_thermostat.json and renmed it to 4512752_thermostat.json and updated the modelid field in the file to 4512752. The rest of the ddf I kept the same. I restarted the gateway and home assistant. But still not able to find the thermostat.

However, I am still not able to dicover the thermostat. Any ideas?

It’s exactly what you need to do.
Rename the file have no impact, you can rename it abcdef.json, but you need to add the couple modelID+ManufactureName on the DDF.
Then restart deconz and re-include the device.
If devices are working same, you can just add it on actual DDF, without creating a new one.

Use deconz to find the manufacturename+Model id, don’t thrust packaging.

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Thanks for the reply and clarification. Now, the problem is that this is inside a container, so restarting deCONZ seems to also remove my edits.

Ha, you are using the HA plugin or the official docker image ?

HA add-on

Not the easier way.
Short story, you need to put DDF on hidden folder /data/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/devices/
Long story How to add/edit a DDF on Home assistant using text editor? - #20 by Smanar

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@Smanar thank you, that was very helpful. It did not solve the issue of discovering the new thermostats, but at least I found I way to add DDF for testing. Surprising that these new thermostats from Namron is not discovered…

But if they work like previous one, fast to add, just need to read modelid/manufacture name on deconz and add BOTH on the DDF, they restart deconz.

Compare too the cluster list, to be sure they don’t use different endpoints .

Hmm. How do I check endpoints? Something must be different since they do not show up.

It’s the big number on the top/left of node title.
Can you show the 2 captures ? From the old and the new ?

No, but that is the thing. The new thermostat does not show up in phoscon or deCONZ when I try to add it. It is like it is not being discovered.

Can you share logs while pairing?

Not in phoscon, this is normal if not supported.
Not in eCONZ, this is not normal, bad procedure perhaps, will see on logs