Light not working in group, only as single unit

I have a setup with three lights. Two Hue bulbs and a dimmer module, which is exposed as light (Moes Smart Dimmer Module 1 Gang ZM-105-M · Issue #7703 · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin · GitHub).

I added the dimmer to the same group as the Hue bulbs (via Phoscon App). Through the REST API I am able to verify that adding the light to the group worked).

However: Switching or dimming the entire group doesn’t seem to work. The Dimmer module remains unaffected. I can switch and dim the dimmer module as a single light, but not when its part of the group.

Some user is reporting issues but I don’t know if related. (Moes Smart Dimmer Module 1 Gang _TZE204_hlx9tnzb · Issue #8086 · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin · GitHub)

Any advice on what might be the reason/issue here?

Yes, because it’s tuya.
If you compare cluster from the HUE bulb you will see on/off cluster, the tuya device don’t have them (and some of them don’t have the group cluster)
So broadcast request can’t work, it’s a broadcast request on a single cluster, this tuya device support only tuya cluster.

Not possible to make “zigbee group”, need to make “automation group” with third app.

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@Smanar thank you for your advice. I understand that Tuya doesn’t provide certain group related zigbee functionality and that is why it doesn’t work.

My hope is now to just use the deconz rest API to specify rules for the single tuya resource in accordance to the rules for the Hue group.

This is possible using “automation group”, IDK how to call that, it’s with third app, on my side I can create a group with 2 zigbee device + 1 wifi device for exemple (so nothing to see with zigbee group), it’s the application that manage the group.