That’s impressive. Exactly what’s in my mind. Today another sensor sent -100 degree value, battery was shown as 98 % and had 2.98 V…
I want to achieve the same but I try to do so in deCONZ. The database thing is quite dangerous, especially as Home Assistant’s database structure is completely different so adjustment is key.
I’ll likely
- give It's time to fix Aqara battery bug - #14 by Smanar a chance as it blocks values from even being written to the (HA) database and
- afterwards probably need to live with Inacceptable huge default "sensor unavailable time" of 24 hours (choose your pain: annoying -100 degree bug or loosing up to 24 hours of data because deCONZ does not ping for battery status more often).
For now I choose the second pill cause it does not produce additional work for me. Flat line is better than spending 1 to 1,5 hours for fixing database stuff every few days/weeks.