Fresh paired Hue Motion Sensor is not reachable

Are you still see the 0xE1 error?

At its extension the ConBee II should have distance to USB devices, SSD, metal, radio, routers or other electronics. In case of seeing the 0xE1 error, a different position of the ConBee II can bring improvements even if the current position seems optimal.

How would a firmware fix a non reachable issue?

The 0xe1 needs to be solved before seeking anywhere else.

I paried a sensor close to Conbee II (about 5cm away).
Move to the destination place and it’s seems to work.

It’s wired because I have a lot of devices which is so far from Conbee or other routers.
This sensor is in the middle of the house. But thanks for your time and help @Mimiix @ich

We investigate here, please be patient.

10 posts were split to a new topic: Issues with pairing Hue Motion sensor

have similar issues with three Hue Outdoor Motion sensors I’ve purchased recently.
I’ll try to list configuration, logs etc below for troubleshooting.

I’ve managed to pair by upgrading ConBee II (26720700) and reverting Docker image used to marthoc/deconz:stable (2.12.06) and performing multiple pairing attempts. A hunch is that there is quite a lot of traffic which might cause packet drops(?) which results in a partial/failed pairing.
Pairing had no success/fail factor due to proximity to ConBee.

@Mimiix: I got several logs (enabled logging as requested in chat above) They are quite long, should I zip and direct PM? (new to the forum)

  1. PC
  2. Marthoc Docker (Docker compose)
  3. 26720700
  4. v2.13.1-beta (didn’t work) / 2.12.06 (worked, required multiple attempts)
  5. ConBee II
  6. USB 3.0
  7. Yes
  8. Yes, Dream Link WH1080 Weather Station
  9. Home Assistant
  10. No
  11. N/A (not raspberry pi)
  12. N/A (not raspberry pi)
  13. N/A (not raspberry pi)
  14. N/A (not raspberry pi)
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Pastebin :)!


have the same Problem. Yesterday I disconnected a Hue Motion Sensor from my System to test something with a Hue Bridge. It worked without a Problem for a year with Phoscon. Pairing works fine … but comunications is not established

Forgot … My Map

ConBee II is next to the hue sensor … maybe 2cm away on my desktop

Comunication seems to be possible:

ame":“VPIR Schlafzimmer”,“state”:{“lastupdated”:“2021-10-25T17:39:39.785”,“presence”:false},“swversion”:“1.0”,“type”:“CLIPPresence”,“uniqueid”:“vpir-1634987948278”},“55”:{“config”:{“duration”:60,“on”:true,“reachable”:true},“etag”:“b09a258cd077d95a2f8bf898688dc64f”,“manufacturername”:“Phoscon”,“modelid”:“PHOSCON_VPIR”,“name”:“VPIR Bad”,“state”:{“lastupdated”:“2021-10-24T14:36:25.426”,“presence”:false},“swversion”:“1.0”,“type”:“CLIPPresence”,“uniqueid”:“vpir-1635086172009”},“56”:{“config”:{“on”:true,“reachable”:true},“etag”:“b09a258cd077d95a2f8bf898688dc64f”,“manufacturername”:“Phoscon”,“modelid”:“PHOSCON_FSM_STATE”,“name”:“FSM_STATE Bad”,“state”:{“lastupdated”:“2021-10-25T17:22:40.277”,“status”:0},“swversion”:“1.0”,“type”:“CLIPGenericStatus”,“uniqueid”:“fsm-state-1635086172009”},“70”:{“config”:{“battery”:100,“group”:“10”,“on”:true,“reachable”:true},“ep”:2,“etag”:“f99a57c41d0bf41089a4dd91ab1429df”,“lastannounced”:null,“lastseen”:“2021-10-25T19:59Z”,“manufacturername”:“Philips”,“mode”:1,“modelid”:“RWL021”,“name”:“Dimmschalter”,“state”:{“buttonevent”:1000,“eventduration”:0,“lastupdated”:“2021-10-25T17:22:43.752”},“swversion”:“”,“type”:“ZHASwitch”,“uniqueid”:“00:17:88:01:06:a7:54:3c-02-fc00”},“77”:{“config”:{“alert”:“none”,“battery”:null,“delay”:0,“ledindication”:false,“on”:true,“pending”:[],“reachable”:true,“sensitivity”:2,“sensitivitymax”:2,“usertest”:false},“ep”:2,“etag”:“15ca90298300884853221f3d343e8a2b”,“lastannounced”:null,“lastseen”:"2021-10-25T19:58Z",“manufacturername”:“Philips”,“modelid”:“SML001”,“name”:“Bewegungsmelder”,“state”:{“lastupdated”:“none”,“presence”:false},“swversion”:“”,“type”:“ZHAPresence”,“uniqueid”:“00:17:88:01:08:66:e6:3a-02-0406”},“78”:{“config”:{“alert”:“none”,“battery”:null,“ledindication”:false,“offset”:0,“on”:true,“pending”:[],“reachable”:true,“usertest”:false},“ep”:2,“etag”:“c885cb19c1aacae052fd4cdfdf65535d”,“lastannounced”:null,“lastseen”:“2021-10-25T19:58Z”,“manufacturername”:“Philips”,“modelid”:“SML001”,“name”:“Temperature 78”,“state”:{“lastupdated”:“none”,“temperature”:null},“swversion”:“”,“type”:“ZHATemperature”,“uniqueid”:“00:17:88:01:08:66:e6:3a-02-0402”},“79”:{“config”:{“alert”:“none”,“battery”:null,“ledindication”:false,“on”:true,“pending”:[],“reachable”:true,“tholddark”:12000,“tholdoffset”:7000,“usertest”:false},“ep”:2,“etag”:“c885cb19c1aacae052fd4cdfdf65535d”,“lastannounced”:null,“lastseen”:“2021-10-25T19:58Z”,“manufacturername”:“Philips”,“modelid”:“SML001”,“name”:“LightLevel 79”,“state”:{“dark”:null,“daylight”:null,“lastupdated”:“none”,“lightlevel”:null,“lux”:null},“swversion”:“”,“type”:“ZHALightLevel”,“uniqueid”:“00:17:88:01:08:66:e6:3a-02-0400”},“9”:{“config”:{“alert”:“none”,“battery”:60,“delay”:180,“duration”:122,“group”:“4”,“on”:true,“reachable”:true},“ep”:1,“etag”:“0e23b0d0754a4f58125b497c0f924324”,“lastannounced”:“2021-10-24T15:23:24Z”,“lastseen”:“2021-10-25T19:24Z”,“manufacturername”:“IKEA of Sweden”,“modelid”:“TRADFRI motion sensor”,“name”:“Schlafzimmer”,“state”:{“dark”:true,“lastupdated”:“2021-10-25T17:40:30.283”,“presence”:false},“swversion”:“2.0.022”,“type”:

Same problem here with my first attempt to pair a Hue Motion Sensor.

It’s also on Version on as @MartinNue

  • host system (Raspberry Pi 3B+ / 4B / PC / NAS):
  • execution method (Raspbian / Ubuntu / Home Assistant deCONZ add-on / Marthoc Docker container / Windows / Virtual Machine):
    Answer: Windows
  • firmware version (format 26xxyy00):
    Answer: 26720700
  • deCONZ Version (Format 2.xx.yy):
    Answer: 2.13.01 / 6.10.2021
  • device (ConBee I / ConBee II / RaspBee I / RaspBee II):
    Answer: ConBee II
  • Is the ConBee I / II connected to a USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 (blue) socket? - only relevant for ConBee I/II:
    Answer: USB 3.0 as the PC has no USB 2.0 anymore
  • Is a USB extension used? (yes / no) - only relevant for ConBee I/II:
    Answer: yes
  • Are other USB or serial devices connected to the host system? (yes / no) - If yes: which ones?):
    Answer: USB HDD
  • Is a home automation system, other software or third-party apps used in addition to deCONZ / Phoscon App? (yes / no) - If yes: which ones?):
    Answer: Yes - Home Assistant
  • Have you tried changing the Zigbee channel or other settings as a solution? (yes / no) - If yes: which ones?):
    Answer: Yes - Everyone available
  • If Raspberry Pi: which power supply is used? (original / manufacturer+model) Specify volts and amps: (e.g. 5.0V, 1.0A):
    Answer: No Raspberry Pi used!
  • if Raspberry Pi: On which image base is the system set up?: (Phoscon / Raspbian / Raspberry Pi OS / Home Assistant …):
    Answer: No Raspberry Pi used!
  • If Raspberry Pi: Is an SD card or an SSD used?:
    Answer: No Raspberry Pi used!
  • If Raspberry Pi: Which way was deCONZ installed? (APT repository / dpkg / via a plug-in).
    Answer: No Raspberry Pi used!

@cairon-ha @Ollem can you both provide some logs?

If it helps I cloud cross check with a Ikea Motion Sensor tonight @Mimiix

Is this log during the inclusion of the device? Also, these seem to be logs from the HA addon and not from deCONZ itself using the log levels. Is that correct?

Please add a log aswell.

While Pairing?


No Problem … do that tonight

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As requested … Log while pairing Hue Sensor
Info + Info L2 / Error +Error L2 / APS + APSL2 enabled

log_pair -

What is the LQI of the Sensor right now? As it isn’t the same green as it was here: Fresh paired Hue Motion Sensor is not reachable - #27 by MartinNue

16:38:01:271 neigbor 0x001788010866e63a is unknown child
16:38:01:637 new node - ext: 0x001788010866e63a, nwk: 0xACE8 indicates the device wasnt paired fully.

Also, is the device still working?

Good news! I checked the logs with @manup and i’ve found some strange behavior. A fix is comming!