Current deconz (2.24.3 & 2.25.1) slow in response after time

Not the real problem here, but you may check the battery of the Hue motion sensor :wink:

Address: 00:17:88:01:08:65:08:e9
Battery level: 16.5 %

Sometimes sensors act a bit weird on low power.

Hmm that’s curious, can you please read the 0406 Occupancy sensing cluster in the UI (double click on the node and then double click on the 0406 cluster and click the read button).

Here the attribute with id 0x0010 is the configurable delay the sensor stays in the occupied state.
On a freshly joined sensor this is 0 but it could also be different value than the sensor was joined before DDF for it existed or was configured via Phoscon App sensor control.

Mine is 2 minutes, I’ve set this then tinkering around.

The Hue light with address 00178801028753A0 looks suspicious. The binding table is queried non stop for some reason. It doesn’t seem to be a DDF controlled light yet, so controlled by the legacy code.

Which model ID does it have?

Hello @manup
thanks for the fast resonse and looking at my log

The sensor is powered by rechargeable Batteries i’ll replace them soon - but till now it always worked as it should.

I set the the value to all of my motionsensors to 0 because i want to react it as responsive as they could. All of my delays switching off lights are done by iobroker so its best to have it that way.

i think in that case the command of the sensor saying “no presence detected” could have got lost again in the communication with deconz

Model Identifier is: LWB010
I looked at the data of bulbs next to it and i couldn’t tell any difference seems that they are quite similar.

all screenshots and data above were taken from deconz with version 2.23.02 running but i just switched to 2.26.0 again and couldn’t see any difference in data and noticed that DDF tag some lights, sockets and sensors have and some don’t have. Would it help to list all lights, sockets and sensors with model ID and sw version that don’t thave that DDF tag?

Screenshot 2024-02-21 083647

Since i flashed 2.26.0 yesterday for the second time i let it settle and gave it a try till now, even with the spikes of the cpu usage. i have to say it feels quite better this time than the other versions above 2.23.02. it happens sometimes that the system does not recognize a command or loses it so we have to press a button again here and then but not quite as often as before. So i think i’ll use this version to test in our dailly life till the next release.

I think i was Happy a little too early, i just tried to switch to the conbeeIII and the result was that after a short time the delays are back, commands got lost and it’s not responsive at all.

Captured some Logs (+15 Minutes) after the Problems started hope this helps, i try to restart an let it settle again but if it behaves the same as before i switch back to conbeeII again.

Deconz log 2.26.0 ConbeeIII AMD64 22.02.2024


Perhaps something similar here Deconz is not working anymore or only with enorm delays after repluging the hardware - #14 by helipus

No problem on 2.23.02
Cpu load on later versions.

I have an issue that may or may not be related. Happy to break it into another thread if need be.

I am using the device - Home Assistant Green. I had a Conbee II for some time without either issue below. I’ve been with the Conbee III for around a month and the issues have been consistent/regular.

  1. A portion of my sensors are Aqara window/door sensors to detect open/closed states. They didn’t disconnect a single time from the Conbee II. However, the Conbee III is another story. I have to re-sync the Aqara devices randomly every few days by resetting them (pull battery and then 5 seconds power button to re-connect).

  2. The Conbee III response time becomes very laggy after a couple of days requiring either a rebooting of the deCONZ add-on -or- a power cycle of the Home Assistant Green. Laggy means that it can take up to two minutes for a door opening, motion sensor detecting movement, etc., for the activity to register on the Conbee III and pass to Home Assistant as an activity to act upon.

Gateway version: 2.25.3
Firmware: 26500900

Installed via HA official add-on

Graphs showing these regular connectivity drops until I reboot:

@Mimiix @manup is there a timeline for a release version of the fix? The Beta is available for over three weeks now, but betas won’t be published as an home assistant add-on.
In my case, most of the hue switches and motion sensors are not working correctly most of the time!
My whole family is annoyed cause of it.
So please publish a release of the fix.

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If you need it asap, I recommend running deconz on a dedicated machine to run the beta.

Normally, the stable should be around soon but I am not sure.

Is it possible for you to switch back to an other version?
if you are not using the conbeeIII Try to set it to the stable 2.23.1 that should do the job for now.

@yan14 2.23.02 is the last stable version that is not affected by this problem for those of us who are experiencing it. Reverting to that version should be a temporary workaround for you and your family.

Well, thanks for the advice about reverting back… as I said, I’m running the home assistant add-on, and downgrading is not possible.
Also I don’t see why I should run it on an additional device. I have extra costs, and need extra time to maintain it. On the other hand, I have the possibility of using betas, which I would not do and recommend in a productiv system.
In my eyes, if there are these problems, known for month and people are affected, and there is a fix in a beta, which seems to work, I would hurry with an release. Right now, the beta is out there for three weeks, and I only ask for an release of it, because it is a pain…


Is this issue resolved in version 2.26.3?

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I couldn’t test it yet, because the home assistant add-on won’t be release, because another issue was found:

This issue is still open, and there are no comments to it. @Mimiix maybe someone can have a look…

Hi,this is about the integration, not addon.

I just tested 2.26.3, and the issue is not resolved. The problem of consistently high CPU usage (for me, around 18%) remains. Reverted to 2.23.02 and CPU usage is back down to around 2-3%.

Are you using conbee II or Conbee III?

So sorry for the delayed response! I’m using a Conbee II, connected to a DS718+, running deconz on Docker.